php Programming Glossary: quick
unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset 17 Recommendation .. I Instead of using this kind of quick fix ... i ll advice you update the question with How you are..
Replace URLs in text with HTML links en q 42 ie utf 8 oe utf 8 hl en. What was the question A quick look at http wiki URI_scheme#Generic_syntax..
PHP: running scheduled jobs (cron jobs) whether it ™s time to run this job or not. This is just a quick example of what I was thinking about if alreadyDone 0 time timeToRunMaintainance..
How to make a calculator in PHP? Then it's just a matter of executing the stack. Here's a quick example math new Math answer math evaluate ' 2 3 4' var_dump..
simple explanation PHP OOP vs Procedural? until you actually start digging in. Here is a quick overview though You can write PHP that does useful tasks You..
php multi-dimensional array remove duplicate multidimensional array share improve this question A quick solution which uses the uniqueness of array indexes newArr array..
What exactly is late-static binding in PHP? Bindings in the PHP manual. However I'll try to give you a quick summary. Basically it boils down to the fact that the self keyword..
PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious? [closed] string escaping needs to happen once they've learned a quick hack ˜solution from some misconceived ˜PHP Security site or book...
PHP Parse HTML code [duplicate] if it something like h1 T1 h1 Lorem ipsum. h1 T2 h1 The quick red fox... h1 T3 h1 ... jumps over the lazy brown FROG I want.. Object Model php str ' h1 T1 h1 Lorem ipsum. h1 T2 h1 The quick red fox... h1 T3 h1 ... jumps over the lazy brown FROG' DOM.. this regex php str ' h1 T1 h1 Lorem ipsum. h1 T2 h1 The quick red fox... h1 T3 h1 ... jumps over the lazy brown FROG' echo..
PHP: “Notice: Undefined variable” and “Notice: Undefined index” was a problem. What do I need to do to fix them Is there a quick fix This is a General Reference question for people to link.. E_NOTICE E_STRICT . Disable E_NOTICE from reporting. A quick way to exclude just E_NOTICE is error_reporting error_reporting..
Session lost when switching from HTTP to HTTPS in PHP ran into this problem before I came up with the above as a quick fix but I just remembered the original cause of the problem...
Create Subdomains on the fly with .htaccess (PHP) dns subdomains share improve this question The quick rundown You need to create a wildcard domain on your DNS server..
json_decode returns NULL after webservice call decode share improve this question EDIT Just did some quick inspection of the string provided by the OP. The small character..
SFTP from within PHP to also provide support for SFTP servers but after some quick searches on Google it seems that this is not all that simple...
Operator Overloading in PHP ArrayObject you'd have your fake array. EDIT Here's my quick example I'm afraid I don't have a valuable use case though class..
Using X-Sendfile with Apache/PHP rails code . Anyone used it before and would mind giving a quick snippet of code and a brief description php apache x sendfile..
unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset dues to invalid serialization data due to invalid length Quick Fix What you can do is is recalculating the length of the elements..
In PHP, is there a function that returns an array made up of the value of a key from an array of associative arrays? just showing an example call to the solution. Thanks ^_^ Quick Grab Solution for PHP 5.3 private function pluck key data return..
Break a CSS file into an array with PHP trim name trim value return results var_dump BreakCSS css Quick Explanation The regexp is simple and boring. It just matches..
How to remove duplicated 2-dimension array in PHP? Many Thanks php arrays share improve this question Quick and simple arr array_map 'unserialize' array_unique array_map..
Minify/compress CSS with regex? re1 ' 1' str return preg_replace re2 ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' str Quick test Can be found at in 'EOS' p i html remove spaces..
How would you transform a pre-existing web app into a multilingual one? the controller to load the website as it already is. Quick but dirty. On the other hand it allows us to make the next modification..
pcntl runs the same code several times, assistance required When to send auto email instantly on button click or later Quick Fix Remove all those code and put it in a function called execute_worker..
How to use XMLReader in PHP? node element_1 go to next product z next 'product' Quick overview of pros and cons of different approaches XMLReader..
What does this mean? “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM” is the double colon scope resolution thingy PHP uses Quick glance at your code I think this line return cnf getConfig key..
Store html entities in database? Or convert when retrieved? html entities in database Or convert when retrieved Quick question is it a better idea to call htmlentities or htmlspecialchars..
Help Using RegexIterator in PHP night so we're allowed to go a little bit crazy . 1. Quick and dirty This involves just writing a regular expression could..
PHP HTML DomDocument getElementById problems function. By all means go for valid HTML provide a DTD. Quick fixes Call dom validate and put up with the errors or fix them..
Dirt-simple PHP templates… can this work without `eval`? html and now the designer can work his design magic. Yay Quick update Taking everyone's advice into consideration I think preprocessing..
PHP CURL & HTTPS Thanks php curl https share improve this question Quick fix add this in your options curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER..
Strip off URL parameter with PHP the array Rebuild the original url using http_build_query Quick and dirty is to use a string search replace and or regex to..
Inserting into MySQL from PHP (jQuery/AJAX) PUBLIC W3C DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional EN html head title Quick JQuery Ajax Request title meta http equiv Content Type content..
How to get a website's favicon with PHP? please php regex favicon share improve this question Quick and dirty php url 'http ' doc new DOMDocument doc..
Why do timestamps have a limit to 2038? that most C libraries use for representing that count. Quick math assumes 365 day years not exactly correct 2147483648 seconds..
PHP Microsoft Excel file generation / export class What code do other users use for this common requirement Quick update If I set the file extension of my generated Excel file..
Balanced word wrap (Minimum raggedness) in PHP word wrap text processing share improve this question Quick and dirty in c #include sstream #include iostream #include vector..