php Programming Glossary: qty
Builing a cart with multiple items and the PayPal button in PHP add an item function add_item item_number item_name amount qty item number var inp1 document.createElement input inp1.setAttribute.. name amount_ curitem inp3.setAttribute value amount qty var inp4 document.createElement input inp4.setAttribute type.. name quantity_ curitem inp4.setAttribute value qty document.getElementById 'payPalForm' .appendChild inp1 document.getElementById..
Are Dynamic Prepared Statements Bad? (with php + mysqli) array of WHERE conditions param array 'customer_id' 1 'qty' '2' stmt mysqli stmt_init types '' bindParam array where ''.. prepare the query SELECT FROM t1 WHERE customer_id AND qty sql SELECT FROM t1 WHERE .substr where 0 strlen where 4 stmt.. stmt bind_param types p0 param customer_id p1 param qty eval command Is that last eval statement a bad idea I tried..
android/php record not inserting into mysql _POST 'locationdate' itemcode _POST 'itemcode' qty _POST 'qty' amount _POST 'amount' reson _POST 'reason' posted.. _POST 'locationdate' itemcode _POST 'itemcode' qty _POST 'qty' amount _POST 'amount' reson _POST 'reason' posted _POST 'posted'..
counting data and grouping by week in mysql AS total FROM yourTable AS n LEFT JOIN SELECT name SUM qty AS amount FROM yourTable WHERE DAY date BETWEEN 1 AND 7 GROUP.. 7 GROUP BY name AS w1 USING name LEFT JOIN SELECT name SUM qty AS amount FROM yourTable WHERE DAY date BETWEEN 8 AND 14 GROUP..
Add option value to product, then to cart with Magento I have a product with the ID 111 and a one custom option. qty '1' product Mage getModel 'catalog product' load 111 set option.. helper 'checkout cart' getCart cart addProduct product qty set option value while passing product to car cart save Thanks.. params array 'product' 1 This would be product getId 'qty' 1 'options' array 34 value 35 other value 53 some other value..
Remove & from string when writing to xml in PHP I try this the link becomes in the xml. So from product 1 qty 1 becomes product 1 amp qty 1 . Can you please tell me a way.. in the xml. So from product 1 qty 1 becomes product 1 amp qty 1 . Can you please tell me a way to avoid this php xml share..
Division of array in three categories type hidden name action value add input type hidden name qty value 1 input type hidden name id value id button type submit.. type hidden name action value add input type hidden name qty value 1 input type hidden name id value id button type submit.. type hidden name action value add input type hidden name qty value 1 input type hidden name id value id button type submit..
Magento programmatically add product image record 10 setStockData array 'is_in_stock' inStock 'qty' qty setCreatedAt strtotime 'now' Can someone help me with adding.. record 10 setStockData array 'is_in_stock' inStock 'qty' qty setCreatedAt strtotime 'now' Can someone help me with adding..
Can PHP include work for only a specified portion of a file? input class Discount type text size 3 QTY input class qty type text size 6 Line Total input class LineTotal type text..
unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING error this line sqlupdate1 UPDATE table SET commodity_quantity qty WHERE user rows 'user' php mysql select share improve this..