php Programming Glossary: quotation
PHP <<<EOB follows and then the same identifier again to close the quotation. The closing identifier must begin in the first column of the..
Shortcomings of mysql_real_escape_string? sanitising you should do the same in your query and wrap quotation marks around it. Can anyone provide an example of input that..
Convert Unicode from JSON string with PHP unicode strings eg That u00e2 u0080 u0099s right single quotation u00c2 u00a pound symbol php unicode encoding utf 8 character..
PHP explode the string, but treat words in quotes as a single word amet consectetur adipiscing elit dolor So that the text in quotation is treated as a single word. Here's what I have for now mytext.. each word into an array. How do I make words inside quotation marks treated as one word php quotes explode str replace ..
Is it okay to use array[key] in PHP? look for constant first if I don't use single or double quotation. One of my colleagues told me that it does not matter. What..
Escape arguments for PDO statements? share improve this question No. Neither do you need any quotation marks around text strings. Just pass in the variables as they..
What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP? follows and then the same identifier again to close the quotation. You don't need to escape quotes in this syntax. Nowdoc since..
php sentence boundaries detection both solutions correctly identify sentences ending with a quotation mark after the ending punctuation. If you don't care about matching.. If you don't care about matching sentences ending in a quotation mark the regex can be simplified to just . s . Edit 20130820_1000..
PHP Newbies: How to write good code [closed] and forget about silly micro optimizations . The famous quotation We should forget about small efficiencies say about 97 of the..
PHP: How to check if image file exists? share improve this question You need the filename in quotation marks at least as string if file_exists 'http
PHP Regex HTML - Extract URL for href values Updated because the edited code now has quotation marks. preg_match_all ' href ^ s ' html match Then the URI would..
Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters by question marks, mbstring.substitute_character seems ignored ignored I would like to replace invalid UTF 8 chars with quotation marks PHP 5.3.5 . So far I have this solution but invalid characters..
How to substitute non SGML characters in String using PHP? 128 euro sign U 20AC NEW x82 ' sbquo ' # 130 single low 9 quotation mark U 201A NEW x83 ' fnof ' # 131 latin small f with hook function.. florin U 0192 ISOtech x84 ' bdquo ' # 132 double low 9 quotation mark U 201E NEW x85 ' hellip ' # 133 horizontal ellipsis three.. ISOlat2 x8B ' lsaquo ' # 139 single left pointing angle quotation mark U 2039 ISO proposed x8C ' OElig ' # 140 latin capital ligature..