php Programming Glossary: production
PHP 5 disable strict standards error seeing it It ™s usually a good idea to log errors even on a production site. ini_set 'display_errors' '0' # don't show any errors.....
Verify receipt for in App purchase array receipt data _GET receipt NOTE use buy vs sandbox in production. url https verifyReceipt response_json..
PHP echo vs PHP short tags PHP 5.4.0 is always available . Actually in the php.ini production file provided with PHP 5.3.0 they are disabled by default grep.. they are disabled by default grep 'short_open' php.ini production short_open_tag short_open_tag Off So using them in an application..
Mechanisms for tracking DB schema changes [closed] builds up to a staging server deploying tested code to a production server but we're still doing database updates manually. I would..
isset() and empty() make code ugly NOTICE is issued. Turning error reporting off is for production environments only to avoid information leakage and provide a..
<? ?> tags not working in php 5.3.1 5_3 Default behaviour on php.ini development off php.ini production off And the reason of discouraging short open tags This directive..
Deploy a project using Git push config file and add your web server as a remote remote production url username@webserver path to htdocs .git On the server replace..
PDOException ?ścould not find driver??/a> config file and add your web server as a remote remote production url username@webserver path to htdocs .git On the server replace..
Is there a static code analyzer [like Lint] for PHP files? [closed] is similar to xdebug but lighter making it suitable for production servers. The tool includes a PHP based interface. share improve..
Why don't PHP attributes allow functions? process it can't just be ignored though the DECLARE_CLASS production consumption is kind of messy . Likewise it's not practical to..
Why would one omit the close tag? PHP releases may have output buffering on the actual production servers you will be deploying your code on are far more important..
Multiple javascript/css files: best practices? would and then when you get closer to switching to production run minify and join all the CSS and JS files into a single HTTP..
PHP Does Not Display Error Messages 1 error_reporting ~0 Alternatively if it is not a production site and simply a development testing site you can turn on error..
How should a model be structured in MVC? Service class Recognitions snip This is an EXAMPLE not a production level code. Do not copy paste public function authenticate username..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] that is errors always occur even when the code is put into production Cross site scripting XSS injection in value output Let's write.. exit graciously but show the detailed error only in production mode. trigger_error will suffice alternatively use a method.. 'display_errors' 1 display_errors can be changed to 0 in production mode to suppress PHP's error messages Can be used for testing..
How to secure database passwords in PHP? That way developers do not need to know anything about the production passwords and there is no record of the password in your source..
Symfony 2 - multiple server configuration propagates up through Integration QA Staging and finally Production. So our concept of an environment is server virtual or physical..
Warning: mysql_fetch_* expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given error [duplicate] what should be done error handling not how to do it. Production code shouldn't use or die when outputting HTML else it will..
Organizing PHPUnit Tests in Namespaces the module is more valuable for most classes Polluting the Production Namespace When you say new SomeFramework Utilities A the auto..
running matlab code from php external requirement. A new product by Mathworks is MATLAB Production Server . Personally I know nothing about it Yet another option..
mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in select what should be done error handling not how to do it. Production code shouldn't use or die when outputting HTML else it will..
Why is my $_ENV empty? you need to. Default Value EGPCS Development Value GPCS Production Value GPCS http variables order variables_order GPCS..
how to set short tag(<?) in php? short_open_tag Default Value On Development Value Off Production Value Off php share improve this question In your php.ini..
PHP errors NOT being displayed in the browser [Ubuntu 10.10] display_errors Default Value On Development Value On Production Value Off display_startup_errors Default Value On Development.. Default Value On Development Value On Production Value Off error_reporting Default Value E_ALL ~E_NOTICE Development.. Value E_ALL ~E_NOTICE Development Value E_ALL E_STRICT Production Value E_ALL ~E_DEPRECATED html_errors Default Value On Development..
why is $_REQUEST empty REQUEST empty. Default Value None Development Value GP Production Value GP http request order request_order GP share..
Large File Upload Errors with PHP On this might give you a clue about what's going on. Production servers usually should have error reporting disabled. I recently..