php Programming Glossary: product_name
Doctrine 2 and Many-to-many link table with an extra field Id @ORM Column type integer protected id ORM Column name product_name type string length 50 nullable false protected name @ORM OneToMany..
How to add scraped website data in database? In my table named products_data with filds name as PID product_name category subcategory product_price and product_company. I am.. or die mysql_error sql INSERT INTO products_data PID product_name VALUES ' . url. ' ' . title. ' mysql_query sql or die mysql_error..
is it a good practice to use mysql_free_result($result)? another_table set product_id ' . data 'product_id' . ' product_name ' . data 'product_name' . ' result2 mysql_query sql2 mysql_free_result.. ' . data 'product_id' . ' product_name ' . data 'product_name' . ' result2 mysql_query sql2 mysql_free_result result2 Thanks...
What is the advantage of using Heredoc in PHP ? [closed] SQL select from tablename where id in order_ids_list and product_name widgets SQL To me this has a lower probability of introducing.. sql select from tablename where id in order_ids_list and product_name widgets The here doc syntax is much cleaner to me. EDIT to respond..
Show the differences between 2 xml files (with php) 17856 product_id product_number 54586 product_number product_name just an name product_name product_url product url product_url.. 54586 product_number product_name just an name product_name product_url product url product_url price 66.3445 price description..
PHP mysqli return row and set to var help returns null stmt db prepare select productid product_name description from product where productid a 1 stmt bind_param..
PHP “pretty print” json_encode [duplicate] own line breaks for each line. Thanks. Here's what I get product_name prod1 val1 1 val2 8 Here's what I want product_name prod1 val1.. I get product_name prod1 val1 1 val2 8 Here's what I want product_name prod1 val1 1 val2 8 I suppose I could also just replace every..