php Programming Glossary: product_id
Convert XML file to attribute XML reg_end_dt value 2013 01 14 20 35 00 value reg_end_dt product_id 1 product_id tab_id 351 tab_id tab_name test1 tab_name value.. value 2013 01 14 20 35 00 value reg_end_dt product_id 1 product_id tab_id 351 tab_id tab_name test1 tab_name value value value.. reg_end_dt value 2013 02 14 20 39 00 value reg_end_dt product_id 2 product_id tab_id 352 tab_id tab_name test2 tab_name value..
Is there any particular difference between intval and (int)? any particular difference between intval and int Example product_id intval _GET 'pid' product_id int _GET 'pid' Is there any particular.. intval and int Example product_id intval _GET 'pid' product_id int _GET 'pid' Is there any particular difference between above..
Programmatically add Bundle Products in Magento, using the SKU / ID of Simple Items array 'selection_id' '' 'option_id' '' 'product_id' '159' 'delete' '' 'selection_price_value' '10' 'selection_price_type'.. array Array 1 Array 2 Array selection_id option_id product_id 133 delete selection_price_value 0.00 selection_price_type.. 1 position 0 3 Array selection_id option_id product_id 132 delete selection_price_value 0.00 selection_price_type..
Saving HABTM with extra fields? table I have a couple extra fields order_id product_id plus price quantity to capture the sale price and quantity sold...
Magento - Programatically added bundle product isn't showing up in frontend '' selectionRawData 0 array selectionRawData 0 array 'product_id' 1810 'position' 0 'is_default' true 'selection_id' '' 'option_id'.. of Bundle Selections 1. selection_id 2. option_id 3. product_id 4. delete 5. selection_price_value 6. selection_price_type 7... array selectionRawData 0 array selectionRawData 0 array 'product_id' 1810 'selection_qty' 1 'selection_can_change_qty' 1 'position'..
Show the differences between 2 xml files (with php) xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 products product nr 0 nr product_id 17856 product_id product_number 54586 product_number product_name.. encoding utf 8 products product nr 0 nr product_id 17856 product_id product_number 54586 product_number product_name just an name.. the outerXML of product elements that have the same product_id but differ in either price or stock. It works by iterating all..
Faceted Search (solr) vs Good old filtering via PHP? name 1 color 2 material 3 dept product_classification product_id classification_id value 1 1 blue 1 2 latex 1 3 paint 1.. FROM product p LEFT JOIN product_classification pc ON pc.product_id LEFT JOIN classification c ON pc.classification_id.. FROM product p LEFT JOIN product_classification pc ON pc.product_id WHERE LIKE ' paint ' AND pc.classification_id 1..
“Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given” error while trying to create a php shopping cart [duplicate] it comes up with the warning below. if isset _GET 'ID' product_id _GET 'ID' query SELECT Name Genre Price Year Picture FROM Products.. row 3 p div echo div a href cart.php action add product product_id add to basket a div and i get the warning Warning mysql_fetch_array..