

php Programming Glossary: preg_offset_capture

Replace URLs in text with HTML links


rexPort rexPath rexQuery rexFragment . s text match PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE position list url urlPosition match 0 Print the text leading..

PHP: Truncate HTML, ignoring tags


9 ' while printedLength maxLength preg_match re html match PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE position list tag tagPosition match 0 Print text leading up..

How to truncate text without truncating html and based off text count only?


l e '' i 0 tags array if isHTML preg_match_all ' ^ ^ ' s m PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE PREG_SET_ORDER foreach m as o if o 0 1 i l break t substr..

Migrating a php application to handle UTF-8


is UTF8 preg_match pattern substr subject 3 matches PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE Also you should use the Unicode character classes rather than..

preg_match and UTF-8 in PHP


using preg_match . preg_match ' H u' xC2 xA1Hola a_matches PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE echo a_matches 0 1 This should print 1 since H is at index 1..

UTF-8 characters in preg_match_all (PHP)


PHP I have preg_match_all ' aäeëioöuáéíóú u' in out PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE If in 'hëllo' out is array 1 0 array 2 0 array 2 0 string 2..

How do I find the index of a regex match in a string?


index 9 php regex share improve this question Use the PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE flag with preg_match str 123456789abcdefgh index 1 if preg_match.. 123456789abcdefgh index 1 if preg_match #abcd# str matches PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE index matches 0 1 The 0 above corresponds to the capture group..

How to replace glossary terms in HTML text with links?


nodeValue hitcount preg_match_all pattern text matches PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE if hitcount 0 continue offset 0 parent original_node parentNode..

How to get the position of a Regex match in a string?


share improve this question You can use the flag PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE for that preg_match ' bar ' 'Foobar' matches PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE.. for that preg_match ' bar ' 'Foobar' matches PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE var_export matches Result is array 0 array 0 'bar' 1 3 the string..