php Programming Glossary: pretend
Extract Scheme and Host from HTTP_REFERER from HTTP_REFERER I have _SERVER 'HTTP_REFERER' &mdash pretend it is http i like turtles.html . What would I need..
How do I check if a longitude/latitude point is within a range of coordinates? anywhere near the poles or international date line you can pretend the earth is flat and use longitude and lattitude as simple..
PHP, SimpleXML, decoding entities in CDATA amp . If a parser were to offer to ignore this and pretend all CDATA nodes were really just text nodes it would instantly..
CakePHP select default value in SELECT input Using CakePHP I have a many to one relationship let's pretend it's many Leafs to Trees. Of course I baked a form to add a..
input is URL, how to protect it from xss of sql injection and on the way out of the database Let's pretend we have it like this I'm simplifying it and please don't worry..
create api using php execute an HTTP GET to http sum 5 8 9 let's pretend for a moment that summing is actually a very computationally..
PHP Upload file enhance security a virus or some malicious code with the extension you pretend for example i have a pdf file uploader anyone can upload a binary..
php (fuzzy) search matching between strings levenshtein and similar_text . Dummy data pretend they're news headlines titles EOF Apple Apples Orange Oranges..
Sending a simple attached file via PHP mail() function web form consisting of the following some inputs for now pretend i have two inputs name and file input . I want the user to upload..
ACL implementation it will retain the protection wrap it forget it .. you can pretend that it is the original object it will react the same But there..
How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP? dependencies by stubbing or mock them. A test double will pretend to be the real thing. mock this getMock 'MyWebservice' mock..
PHP, MySQL and Time Zones echo nowish format 'Y m d H i s' 2011 04 23 21 44 00 Let's pretend we're on the US west coast. This will be PDT right now UTC 7..
Best way to periodically execute a PHP script? You can use an online cron service to essentially pretend like you have cron access. Create php file with contents you..
“public static” or “static public”? bar protected function baz private function quux Now pretend a couple are static public function foo static public function..
How to use OAuth with Google Calendar to access only ONE calendar? But I want my client's calendar NOT MINE So let's pretend I logout log in with my customer info and go to the test page..
Handling Soap timeouts in PHP the case of a timeout or service unavailability I need to pretend that the request was successful that the web service approved..
how to identify web crawlers of google/yahoo/msn by PHP? free to tell you anything. It's trivial to write code to pretend to be Googlebot. In PHP this means looking at _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT'..
Which PHP open source CRM should I use? [closed] question SugarCRM is open source although they try to pretend they're not. It does everything and is backed by a company that..