

php Programming Glossary: pref

Importing multiple csv files to mysql tables


'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ' s s.csv ' INTO TABLE my_db.tbl_prefix_ s FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY ' ' LINES.. ' ' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY ' ' LINES TERMINATED BY ' n '' pref array_combine files array 'fld1_' 'fld2_' 'fld3_' 'fld3_' pkA.. beginTransaction db exec sprintf 'TRUNCATE TABLE my_db.tbl_prefix_ s' tbls f db commit catch PDOException e if db db rollBack..

Easiest way to activate PHP and MySQL on Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion), 10.8 (Mountain Lion)?


Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard 10.7 Lion 10.8 Mountain Lion I'd prefer to use any bundled versions before resorting to downloading.. x86 version . Install all the MySQL components. Using the pref pane start MySQL. In the Sharing System Pref turn on or if it..

Paypal IPN always return “payment_status: Pending” on sandbox?


to https www.sandbox.paypal.com ca cgi bin cmd _profile pref source acct_setup fli true You would normally be able to get..

Is there open-source code for making 'link preview' text and icons, like in facebook? [closed]


example.. Does anyone know if there's any open source code pref. php javascript jquery that can generate something like this..

How to get a platform independent directory separator in PHP?


is c Program Files x86 Sitefusion Sitefusion.org Defaults pref user.preferences on Windows. Obviously the mix of slashes confuses.. Files x86 Sitefusion Sitefusion.org Defaults pref user.preferences on Windows. Obviously the mix of slashes confuses Windows...