php Programming Glossary: preg_match_all
How to extract img src, title and alt from html using php? use an XML parsor. E.G. with this web page source code preg_match_all match the regexp in all the html string and output everything.. in result. i option is used to make it case insensitive preg_match_all ' img ^ i' html result print_r result Array 0 Array 0 img src.. attributes with a loop img array foreach result as img_tag preg_match_all ' alt title src ^ i' img_tag img img_tag print_r img Array img..
PHP preg_match to find multiple occurrences preg match share improve this question You want to use preg_match_all . Here is how it would look in your code. The actual function.. not. Then the brown fox jumped 2 times over the fence if preg_match_all string paragraph matches echo count matches 0 . matches found..
PHP explode the string, but treat words in quotes as a single word replace share improve this question You could use a preg_match_all ... text 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing.. ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit dolor' preg_match_all ' . ^ S ' text matches print_r matches which will produce Array.. in case of matching 22 instead of double quotes you'd do preg_match_all ' 22 . 22 . 22 S ' text matches share improve this answer..
Extract numbers from a string share improve this question str 'In My Cart 11 12 items' preg_match_all ' d ' str matches print_r matches share improve this answer..
How to get all captures of subgroup matches with preg_match_all()? to get all captures of subgroup matches with preg_match_all Update Note I think what I'm probably looking for is to get.. them via the matches array pattern ' ^ a z i' result preg_match_all pattern subject matches This will only return the last match.. captures AA BB DD with one regex execution Isn't preg_match_all suitable for this This question is a generalization. Both the..
How to extract http links from a paragraph and store them in a array on php [duplicate] ^ s ' refine this for better more specific results if preg_match_all pattern text matches list links matches print_r links share..
PHP Curl - Cookies problem to send with our login this includes security tokens count preg_match_all ' input type hidden s name ^ s value ^ i' form hiddenFields..
How do I retrieve the visitor's ISP through PHP? url file_get_contents http ip ip preg_match_all ' th . th td . td s' url output PREG_SET_ORDER isp output 1..
Login to Google with PHP and Curl, Cookie turned off? login form' function getInputs form inputs array elements preg_match_all ' input ^ is' form matches if elements 0 for i 0 i elements..
extract urls from text in PHP complexed though. This one line regex might be helpful. preg_match_all '# bhttps ^ s w d ^ punct s #' string match But this regex still..