php Programming Glossary: postid
Format a number with grouped thousands I have the following function function getPostViews postID count_key 'post_views_count' count get_post_meta postID count_key.. postID count_key 'post_views_count' count get_post_meta postID count_key true if count '' delete_post_meta postID count_key.. postID count_key true if count '' delete_post_meta postID count_key add_post_meta postID count_key '0' return __ '0 View'..
Wordpress add_meta_box() weirdness 'save_post' 'custom_add_save' function custom_add_save postID if defined 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' DOING_AUTOSAVE return postID else.. postID if defined 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' DOING_AUTOSAVE return postID else called after a post or page is saved and not on autosave.. saved and not on autosave if parent_id wp_is_post_revision postID postID parent_id if _POST 'customHeader' update_custom_meta..
How to delete mysql row after time passes? where to start with this one I have a database that stores postID and Date . What I want to do is have my website auto delete..