php Programming Glossary: php_version
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? old php versions if dsnarr 'charset' and version_compare PHP_VERSION '5.3.6' ' ' options PDO MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND 'SET NAMES '...
In PHP, is there a function that returns an array made up of the value of a key from an array of associative arrays? no matter what version you are on. actual version_compare PHP_VERSION '5.3.0' ' ' preferredPluck 'categoryId' data pluck_compat 'categoryId'..
Valum php AJAX Upload: Store File Name and Path into mySQL database theValue theType theDefinedValue theNotDefinedValue if PHP_VERSION 6 theValue get_magic_quotes_gpc stripslashes theValue theValue..
Is this a good hashing password function in PHP? If not, why not? and hashes that are quicker to crack by non PHP code . if PHP_VERSION 5 hash md5 salt . password true do hash md5 hash . password.. 8 output ' H ' output . itoa64 min iteration_count_log2 PHP_VERSION 5 5 3 30 output . this _hash_encode64 input 6 itoa64 return..
“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate] theValue theType theDefinedValue theNotDefinedValue if PHP_VERSION 6 theValue get_magic_quotes_gpc stripslashes theValue theValue..
Why does crypt/blowfish generate the same hash with two different salts? my output. Execution of the following code var_dump PHP_VERSION PHP_OS CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH CRYPT_STD_DES CRYPT_EXT_DES CRYPT_MD5..
exec(): quoting full command in Windows the PHP OS and version if PHP_OS 'WINNT' version_compare PHP_VERSION '5.3.0' ' ' command command ' ' . command . ' ' share improve..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? i 16 this randomState md5 microtime . this randomState if PHP_VERSION '5' bytes . md5 this randomState true else bytes . pack 'H '..
Portable (PHPass) password hashes. Should I use them? run on the same password is different. Also PHPass uses PHP_VERSION during the generation of those hashes to check if the md5 function..
How can we create a fairly secure password hash in PHP? 0 i count i 16 randomState md5 microtime . randomState if PHP_VERSION '5' bytes . md5 randomState true else bytes . pack 'H ' md5.. i 16 this randomState md5 microtime . this randomState if PHP_VERSION '5' bytes . md5 this randomState true else bytes . pack 'H '..