php Programming Glossary: php_value
How to eliminate php5 Strict standards errors? and it didn't solve my problem. I also tried to put php_value error_reporting 6143 in C ... cake.htaaccess but without success...
PHP's white screen of death work most of the time but it doesn't work in these cases. php_value display_errors 1 php_value display_startup_errors 1 php_value.. it doesn't work in these cases. php_value display_errors 1 php_value display_startup_errors 1 php_value error_reporting 2147483647.. display_errors 1 php_value display_startup_errors 1 php_value error_reporting 2147483647 # E_ALL Am I missing something At..
What is the size limit of a post request? control these using .htaccess like so #set max post size php_value post_max_size 20M And yes I can personally attest to the fact..
<? ?> tags not working in php 5.3.1 in your code add the following line to your .htaccess file php_value short_open_tag 1 More explanation It's not recommend you use..
Deny ajax file access using htaccess script automatically. So create a .htaccess in ajax folder php_value auto_prepend_file check.php and create check.php as you want..
Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted configuration httpd.conf or a per site .conf file via php_value CLI CGI can have a different php.ini use the command php i grep.. to check the CLI conf local .htaccess files also php_value in script via ini_set In PHPinfo's output the Master value is..
Extending session timeout in PHP via the .htaccess 1440 Update it seems to be possible so i stand corrected php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 3600 I haven't tried this out though...
How to turn off magic quotes on shared hosting? php.ini on shared hosting where mod_php isn't used and the php_value directive thus leads to an error. For suexec FastCGI setups..
Enabling error display in php via htaccess only on php_flag html_errors on php_flag log_errors on php_value error_log home path public_html domain PHP_errors.log share..
Increasing the maximum post size post_max_size 20M upload_max_filesize 20M .htaccess php_value post_max_size 20M php_value upload_max_filesize 20M Which one.. 20M .htaccess php_value post_max_size 20M php_value upload_max_filesize 20M Which one to use depends on what you..
CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated also create a .htaccess file in your document root with php_value safe_mode off in it. You may be able to add ini_set 'safe_mode'..
Allow php sessions to carry over to subdomains session.cookie_domain In your .htaccess php_value session.cookie_domain As the first thing in your..
SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS / FOUND_ROWS() does not work in PHP ini_set mysql.trace_mode 0 or add this to the .htaccess php_value mysql.trace_mode 0 Thanks again Jerry share improve this answer..
Preparing PHP application to use with UTF-8 # See http manual en timezones.php php_value date.timezone Europe Amsterdam SetEnv LC_ALL nl_NL.UTF 8 ########################################.. AddDefaultCharset UTF 8 AddCharset UTF 8 .php php_value default_charset UTF 8 php_value iconv.input_encoding UTF 8 php_value.. 8 AddCharset UTF 8 .php php_value default_charset UTF 8 php_value iconv.input_encoding UTF 8 php_value iconv.internal_encoding..
How to get useful error messages in PHP? lines to an .htaccess file php_flag display_errors on php_value error_reporting 2039 You may want to consider using the value..