

php Programming Glossary: permute

All possible combinations, how to make a pattern? PHP?


print all N permutations of str. N strlen str . function permute str i n len global ret if i n if in_array substr str 0 len ret.. ret substr str 0 len else for j i j n j swap str i j permute str i 1 n len swap str i j backtrack. function to swap the.. i j temp str i str i str j str j temp ret array str 123456 permute str 0 strlen str 3 call the function. print_r ret Array 0 123..

What are the characteristics of spaghetti code?


structures with little abstraction. Functions randomly permute modify global state without any mention of it in documentation...

How to generate all permutations of a string in PHP?


print all N permutations of str. N strlen str . function permute str i n if i n print str n else for j i j n j swap str i j.. i n if i n print str n else for j i j n j swap str i j permute str i 1 n swap str i j backtrack. function to swap the char.. swap str i j temp str i str i str j str j temp str hey permute str 0 strlen str call the function. Output #php a.php hey hye..