php Programming Glossary: per_page
Always show Previous & Next links using CodeIgniter Pagination Class prefix '' public suffix '' public total_rows 0 public per_page 10 public num_links 2 public cur_page 0 public use_page_numbers.. page_query_string FALSE public query_string_segment 'per_page' public display_pages TRUE public _attributes '' public _link_types.. there is no need to continue. if this total_rows 0 OR this per_page 0 return '' Calculate the total number of pages num_pages..
Creating multiple pages from sql query for example. So here is a complete yet concise example per_page 10 Let's put FROM and WHERE parts of the query into variable.. start variable for the LIMIT clause start abs CUR_PAGE 1 per_page Let's query database for the actual data sql SELECT from_where.. sql SELECT from_where ORDER BY PostID DESC LIMIT start per_page res mysql_query sql or trigger_error mysql_error . in . sql..
simplexml_load_file not working “php_network_getaddresses: failed: Name or service not known” api_key 9eb9f5e5fb72d6d2fed06cf4e64ba9bb media photos per_page 50 text fgdc function.simplexml load file failed to open stream.. api_key 9eb9f5e5fb72d6d2fed06cf4e64ba9bb media photos per_page 50 text fgdc in var www html yahoo GetImagesFlickr.php on line.. api_key .self API_KEY. media photos per_page .self MAX_RESULTS_RETURNED public function getImages search_term..