php Programming Glossary: offline_access
How to renew/extend facebook access tokens with PHP? facebook access tokens with PHP Facebook has removed the offline_access token functionality now tokens have to be renewed whenever the..
Facebook php post to fan page with cronjob? params array 'scope' 'user_likes publish_actions email offline_access publish_stream manage_pages' facebook new Facebook config user.. by the page_access_token variable and not manually. Having offline_access in the scope does nothing than showing them on the permission..
Authorizing a Facebook Fan Page for Status Updates session_key_only true req_perms read_stream publish_stream offline_access Then I needed to grant 'publish_stream' permissions to the PAGE..
How can I post to the wall of a Facebook Fan Page using PHP and Open Graph API Now as I said depending on your requirements you may need offline_access manage_pages but for now this is the simplest straight forward..
Facebook application refresh automatically app uri' 'req_perms' 'email publish_stream status_update offline_access user_birthday' if session echo script type 'text javascript'..
Facebook friends email FQL your user when trying your query. So you need to grant the offline_access permission and then use it with the query. But before doing..
need help on posting on user wall . urlencode canvas_page . scope read_stream publish_stream offline_access signed_request _REQUEST signed_request list encoded_sig payload.. question Download the Facebook PHP SDK No need for the offline_access permission Get familiar with the PHP SDK and use the code in..
How get facebook user ID from my application? 'cookie' true req_perms publish_stream offline_access user_status email read_stream session facebook getSession loginUrl..
Redirecting to authentication dialog - “An error occurred. Please try again later” http 3A 2F 2Fmyappname 2F state YYYYYY scope offline_access 2Cpublish_actions But instead of showing the authorization page..
Is it possible to upload a photo to fanpage album without publishing it? a fanpage admin permission manage_pages publish_stream and offline_access . But now everytime someone uses this app I get a photo publish..
How to get user access token? else loginUrl facebook getLoginUrl array 'scope' 'offline_access' This call will always work since we are fetching public data... echo naitik 'name' body html Then you need to Grant the offline_access permission Store the returned access_token Use that token whenever..
How to extend access token validity since offline_access deprecation to extend access token validity since offline_access deprecation Since the offline_access Permission is deprecated.. token validity since offline_access deprecation Since the offline_access Permission is deprecated in Facebook's Authentication flow we.. not tested but I assume you also need to enable 'deprecate offline_access in your Advanced settings of the Developer App. Just add this..
Facebook: post image and description to wall and in page album via php the page and give the permissions user_photos manage_pages offline_access publish_stream https dialog oauth client_id.. response_type token scope user_photos manage_pages offline_access publish_stream 3. When you give the application the required..
Displaying Facebook posts to non-Facebook users website without Facebook requiring a user login Before the offline_access permission was deprecated I would simply create a token as myself.. Updated I think I may have found a way around this. With offline_access being deprecated there is an fb_exchange_token option available..