php Programming Glossary: ol
Create nested list from Multidimensional Array want to do is iterate over this array and create a nested ol list from it. So the result should look like this ol li Title.. ol list from it. So the result should look like this ol li Title 1 li id 1 li Title 2 li id 2 ol li Title 3 li id 3.. look like this ol li Title 1 li id 1 li Title 2 li id 2 ol li Title 3 li id 3 parent_id 2 li Title 4 li id 4 parent_id..
htmlentities in PHP but preserving html tags preserving the HTML tags for example this p font style color #FF0000 CamiĆ³n espaƱol font p should be translated into this.. for example this p font style color #FF0000 CamiĆ³n espaƱol font p should be translated into this p font style color #FF0000.. font p should be translated into this p font style color #FF0000 Cami oacute n espa ntilde ol font p any ideas php..
How can I use C++ code to interact with PHP? can I use C code to interact with PHP I know C from college vaguely. But I was reading somewhere that sometimes PHP.. havent the slightest idea. I have some experience writing old school C a linux box a C compiler and good ol PHP oh and MySQL.. the slightest idea. I have some experience writing old school C a linux box a C compiler and good ol PHP oh and MySQL too...
PHP warning help? warning help I keep getting the following error listed below and I was wondering how do I correct.. to the db. function make_list parent global tasks echo ' ol ' foreach parent as task_id todo echo li todo if isset tasks.. ' li ' End of FOREACH loop. Close the ordered list echo ' ol ' End of make_list function. mysqli new mysqli localhost root..
PHP array performance As you can see on http pack_v0.2 oopack.php ol 1 it works pretty well but you need to wait around 10 20 seconds.. takes few microseconds. I guess I could use an array of booleans in a statically typed language and things would be faster... an array of 1 bit values. I'm thinking of converting the whole thing to some compiled language. Is PHP just not good for it..
Finding links matching given string in xpath/domdocument query Can anyone help with where I am going wrong here html ' ol ' html . ' li id stuff 123 some copy here li ' html . ' li id.. li ' html . ' li id stuff 789 some copy here li ' html . ' ol ' dom new DOMDocument dom loadHTML html xpath new DOMXPath dom.. loadHTML html xpath new DOMXPath dom result xpath query ' ol li starts with @id stuff ' foreach result as e documentLinks..
Strip all HTML tags, except allowed all except many excluded i.e. all except p b i u a ul ol li in PHP. I'm far from good with regex so I'd need a hand...
Listing all the folders subfolders and files in a directory using php all the folders subfolders and files in a directory using php Please give.. all the folders subfolders and files in a directory using php Please give me a solution.. and files in a directory using php Please give me a solution for listing all the folders subfolders files in a directory..