php Programming Glossary: occ
Generate a combination of numbers nb_chiffres 1 nb_rangs nb_chiffres 1 nbLine algo nb_rangs occ 0 for i 0 i nbLine i foreach nbRank as nbrItem nbrValue result.. i foreach nbRank as nbrItem nbrValue result i nbrValue occ echo '############# br ' echo '### DATAS ### br ' echo '#############.. Nb Lines '. nbLine.' br ' echo ' Nb Valuable Occurency '. occ.' br ' echo ' br hr br ' echo '############## br ' echo '###..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation 10 20 38 EST Small Updates . 28. Where there is only one occurrence of PK as an FK of course the FK column name is the same.. as the PK column name. However when there is more than one occ of the FK take a look at ResponseRating there are three UserIds..
using php to create an xml file from a mysql db mysql_fetch_assoc dbresult ooc doc createElement table_id occ root appendChild occ foreach row as fieldname fieldvalue child.. ooc doc createElement table_id occ root appendChild occ foreach row as fieldname fieldvalue child doc createElement.. fieldvalue child doc createElement fieldname child occ appendchild child value doc createTextNode fieldvalue value..
PHP XML how to output nice format foreach signed_values as key val add node for each row occ doc createElement 'error' occ root appendChild occ add a child.. val add node for each row occ doc createElement 'error' occ root appendChild occ add a child node for each field foreach.. row occ doc createElement 'error' occ root appendChild occ add a child node for each field foreach signed_values as fieldname..