php Programming Glossary: od
php.ini & SMTP= - how do you pass username & password projects phpmailer Tutorial http index.php pg tutorial#2 2 PEAR Download http package Mail Tutorial http od emailprogrammingtips qt et073006.htm 3 Custom functions See..
How can i change options in dropdowns if it is generated dynamically? change according to the selected option in the first drodown. What I wanted to is after generating the desired number.. from the dropdown in this fiddle it will generate sets od 3 dropdowns and 1 input field dynamically. So if someone selects.. downs you have several options such as Static Your PHP code that creates the page fills in a javascript array with all..
Simplest way to detect a mobile device is a source Detect Mobile Browser Download PHP script Code php useragent _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' if preg_match ' android.. blazer compal elaine fennec hiptop iemobile ip hone od iris kindle lge maemo midp mmp netfront opera m ob in i palm.. pocket psp series 4 6 0 symbian treo up . browser link vodafone wap windows ce phone xda xiino i' useragent preg_match..
How to convert html to doc in php y scroll in word document. WORD document check y scroll.. Body tag is body style margin left 350px margin right 350px I tried.. word document. WORD document check y scroll.. Body tag is body style margin left 350px margin right 350px I tried to adjust.. is outer box. and thats y html generated doc is looking odd. php html doc share improve this question The answer IMO..
Find extra space / new line after a closing ?> (php tag) I find it easily I have 1000 of files and 100000 lines of code in this app. Ideally im after some regex combined with find.. single n character terminator. Lastly you can always use od c filename to print unambiguous representation of the file if..
Mobile browser detection? in PHP by parsing the user agent string. I know this method has got many caveats but we really need to do it that way. Do.. need to do it that way. Do you have any suggestion A good even if not perfect updated code I know about WURFL and I believe.. have any suggestion A good even if not perfect updated code I know about WURFL and I believe it's great but it's not free..