php Programming Glossary: normalize
How do I use filesystem functions in PHP, using UTF-8 strings? many characters using combining characters . If you don't normalize your UTF 8 you may have trouble searching with glob or reopening..
How to remove diacritics from text? preg replace diacritics share improve this question normalize data remove accent marks using PHP's intl extension data normalizer_normalize.. data remove accent marks using PHP's intl extension data normalizer_normalize data replace everything NOT in the sets you specified.. accent marks using PHP's intl extension data normalizer_normalize data replace everything NOT in the sets you specified with an..
What's the difference between escapeshellarg and escapeshellcmd? depends on how you handle your logic do make sure your normalize and validate your input before passing directly to these methods..
how to replace special characters with the ones they're based on in PHP? of repeating things here http manual en class.normalizer.php Specifically the normalize member of that class http manual en class.normalizer.php Specifically the normalize member of that class http manual en normalizer.normalize.php.. normalize member of that class http manual en normalizer.normalize.php Note that Unicode normalization has several forms..
Mysql password hashing method old vs new tables are so different i need to use php as a bridge to normalize the data Already googled it Already talked to both support stafs..
PHP DOMDocument - get html source of BODY source of BODY I'm using PHP's DOMDocument to parse and normalize user submitted HTML using the loadHTML method to parse the content..
PHP extract GPS EXIF data 1 0 seconds count exifCoord 2 gps2Num exifCoord 2 0 normalize minutes 60 degrees floor degrees degrees floor degrees seconds..
How to use preg in php to add html properties are several options Use the XPath 1.0 img starts with normalize space substring after @style 'float ' 'right' Just do a simple..
Dealing with timezones in PHP a site that has to support multiple timezones for users to normalize the timezone offest of stored timestamps I always store it with..
How to handle user input of invalid UTF-8 characters? and has been stripped.' _GET is clean You may also want to normalize new lines and strip non visible control chars like this function..
How to convert HTML to BBCode url xsl template xsl template match text x value of select normalize space . xsl template To get there parse HTML and use built in..
Reg expression to remove empty Tags (any of them)? nodes xp new DOMXPath dom foreach xp query ' not node or normalize space ' as node node parentNode removeChild node output the..
Is there any way to detect strings like putjbtghguhjjjanika? and compute the product of the transitions you take. Then normalize by the length of the query. When the number is low you likely..
Getting DOM elements by Class name to the following xpath untested contains concat ' ' normalize space @class ' ' ' my class ' so the php would be dom new DomDocument.. classname my class nodes finder query contains concat ' ' normalize space @class ' ' ' classname ' Basically all we do here is normalize.. space @class ' ' ' classname ' Basically all we do here is normalize the class attribute so that even a single class is bounded by..
Join tables with comma values out how to get the mailgroups into that. php mysql join denormalized share improve this question I recommend that you make your.. Regarding your database design. I recommend you normalize your database that means that you move the comma separated fields..
Selecting a css class with xpath do it The equivalent selector in XPath is contains concat normalize space @class foo The function normalize space strips leading.. is contains concat normalize space @class foo The function normalize space strips leading and trailing whitespace and also replaces..
MongoDB updating fields in nested array