php Programming Glossary: jobs
PHP: running scheduled jobs (cron jobs) running scheduled jobs cron jobs I have a site on my webhotel I would like to run.. running scheduled jobs cron jobs I have a site on my webhotel I would like to run some scheduled.. tasks share improve this question That's what cronjobs are made for. man crontab assuming you are running a linux server...
What is the best method for scheduled tasks in PHP questions 120228 php running scheduled jobs cron jobs php cron scheduling scheduled tasks share improve.. questions 120228 php running scheduled jobs cron jobs php cron scheduling scheduled tasks share improve this question..
Is there a PHP equivalent of Perl's WWW::Mechanize?
Where to use mysql_real_escape_string to prevent SQL Injection? showDetails id SQL Jobs Details this sql_job SELECT FROM jobs WHERE id .mysql_real_escape_string id this rst_job mysql_query.. SELECT title FROM state WHERE id . this row_all this tbl_jobs 'f4' this rst_state mysql_query this sql_state this row_state.. for id . not for this row_all this tbl_jobs 'f4' php mysql security sql injection hacking share improve..
PHP regex for validating a URL Domains com org net gov mil biz info mobi name aero jobs museum travel a z 2 #Port d 1 5 #Directories w~ . a f d 2 #..
What is the best way to format messages for queueing? format messages for a queue and ways to execute the jobs in PHP. Should I use JSON serialized objects text URLs or XML.. providing full support for creating executing and managing jobs to optimize application performance and reduce server load minimizing..
Threads in PHP time ... EDIT No threads in PHP The workaround is to store jobs in a queue say rows in a table with the emails and have a cronjob.. php script at a given interval say 2 minutes and poll for jobs. When jobs present fetch a few depending on your php's install.. at a given interval say 2 minutes and poll for jobs. When jobs present fetch a few depending on your php's install timeout..
Issues with PHP 5.3 and sessions folder the garbage collection is set up to be done by cron jobs on some systems i.e. Ubuntu Debian . Some php ini executables..
Continue PHP execution after sending HTTP response
Use PHP to create, edit and delete crontab jobs? PHP to create edit and delete crontab jobs Is it possible to use PHP to create edit and delete crontab.. it possible to use PHP to create edit and delete crontab jobs I know how to list the current crontab jobs of the Apache user.. delete crontab jobs I know how to list the current crontab jobs of the Apache user output shell_exec 'crontab l' echo output..
PHP Daemon/worker environment who are listening on a MQ server queue for asynchronous jobs. The problem now is that simply running this processes as daemons..
First drop down menu to auto change the options of a second dropdown 0 'Places' 0 'Animals' 0 'Praveen' 1 'Bill Gates' 1 'Steve Jobs' 1 'India' 2 'New York' 2 'London' 2 'Singapore' 2 'Cat' 3 'Dog'.. 2 Places 0 3 Animals 0 4 Praveen 1 5 Bill Gates 1 6 Steve Jobs 1 7 India 2 8 New York 2 9 London 2 10 Singapore 2 11 Cat 3.. array Name Place Animals s0 array Praveen Bill Gates Steve Jobs foreach _GET parent as id name echo ' option value ' data 'id'..
Making a large processing job smaller advantage of C or C for performance Advantage Transfer Jobs to other machines or processes that are better suited to do..
PHP: Using simplexml to loop through all levels of an XML file 3 asset_assetid asset asset asset_name Current Jobs asset_name asset_url projects current jobs asset_url asset_assetid..
Where to use mysql_real_escape_string to prevent SQL Injection? I have such code public function showDetails id SQL Jobs Details this sql_job SELECT FROM jobs WHERE id .mysql_real_escape_string..
Cron Jobs calling a PHP script with variables Jobs calling a PHP script with variables Is it correct to use the..
Are There Any Cron Jobs Alternative? There Any Cron Jobs Alternative Cron Jobs are closed on my server and server admin.. There Any Cron Jobs Alternative Cron Jobs are closed on my server and server admin doesn't accept open..
Torn Between learning PHP [insert framework here] and Ruby on Rails [closed] your own or use any of the several popular ones out there. Jobs. Probably THE most popular technology powering websites out..
Asynchronous processing or message queues in PHP (CakePHP) beanstald instead of it's own MySQL table implementation. Jobs in the queue can simply consist of a task name and an array..