php Programming Glossary: jfactory
Accessing session data outside Joomla . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'framework.php' mainframe JFactory getApplication 'site' The above is the basic script required..
How to log into joomla through an external script? Create the Application mainframe JFactory getApplication 'site' jimport 'joomla.plugin.helper' credentials.. the login action error mainframe login credentials user JFactory getUser now you are logged in mainframe logout now you are logged..
How to get current Joomla user with external PHP script Create the Application mainframe JFactory getApplication 'site' Make sure we are logged in at all. if.. 'site' Make sure we are logged in at all. if JFactory getUser id 0 die Access denied login required. test.php php.. php include 'joomla auth.php' echo 'Logged in as ' . JFactory getUser username . ' ' We then proceed to access things only..
How to detect the current language of a Joomla! website? joomla share improve this question See getLanguage in JFactory lang JFactory getLanguage echo 'Current language is ' . lang.. improve this question See getLanguage in JFactory lang JFactory getLanguage echo 'Current language is ' . lang getName Once.. can have multiple locales so you'll get an array. lang JFactory getLanguage foreach lang getLocale as locale echo 'This language..
Joomla : how to get the url of a specific Menu itemID? question itemid JRequest getVar 'Itemid' application JFactory getApplication menu application getMenu item menu getItem itemid..
what is the “::” notation in php used for? what the the in the front of the call mainframe JFactory getApplication 'site' sql SELECT rt.member_id rt.commission.. jos_kingdom_tickets kt WHERE rt.member_id kt.ticket_id db JFactory getDBO thanks in advance php share improve this question..
include Jfactory class in an external php file, Joomla database using Jfactory. Normally one could simply use db JFactory getDBO but the PHP error tells me the JFactory class is not.. use db JFactory getDBO but the PHP error tells me the JFactory class is not included. So now I need to know how to include.. is not included. So now I need to know how to include this JFactory class . I've tried a couple of suggestions found on the internet..