php Programming Glossary: jis
Accented characters in utf-8 mysql table output really want to display for me I set everything to SHIFT JIS to display all my japanese characters and it really works fine...
Send emails with international accent and special characters have to be given a locale specific encoding such as Shift JIS instead. If you are concentrating on those markets you'll often..
Can str_replace be safely used on a UTF-8 encoded string if it's only given valid UTF-8 encoded strings as arguments? example trying to replace an ASCII backslash in a Shift JIS string where byte x5C might be the second byte of a character..
php readdir problem with japanese language file name ISO 8859 1 for Western machines or cp932 similar to Shift JIS on Japanese machines. For any characters that don't exist in.. characters for any other Unicode characters not in Shift JIS and in any case you really don't want to make your application's.. want to make your application's internal strings all Shift JIS as it's quite a horrible encoding. If it's your own scripts..
Getting imagegrabscreen to work 1 PNG Support 1 WBMP Support 1 XPM Support XBM Support 1 JIS mapped Japanese Font Support Apache Service Log On details ..