php Programming Glossary: imagecreatefromgif
How can I add an image onto an image in PHP like a watermark type switch strtolower image_ext #gif case 1 image imagecreatefromgif image_src break #jpg case 2 image imagecreatefromjpeg image_src.. Create an instance of the watermark in memory if watermark imagecreatefromgif watermark_src return false Make sure your Watermark is a GIF..
upload multiple images with jquery ajax and process them with php elseif this image_type IMAGETYPE_GIF this image imagecreatefromgif filename elseif this image_type IMAGETYPE_PNG this image..
Multiple Upload Forms filename break case type 'image gif charset binary' img imagecreatefromgif filename break default continue 2 list width height getimagesize..
Malicious php file content [closed] 18 string 11 curl_setopt 19 string 7 mt_rand 20 string 18 imagecreatefromgif 21 string 11 curl_setopt 22 string 11 curl_setopt 23 string.. 572.33333333333 572.33333333333 4415 round 0 4415 imagecreatefromgif _2 _15 _16 curl_setopt curl 19913 TRUE curl_setopt curl 13 15..
PHP watermarking imagecreatefrompng image break case 'gif' background imagecreatefromgif image break default die Image is of unsupported type. Find base..
Change “HUE” of an image with PHP GD Library? function that converts hex to rgb token header.gif img imagecreatefromgif header template.gif color imagecolorallocate img info red info..
How do i resize and convert an uploaded image to a PNG using GD '32M' switch type case IMAGETYPE_GIF image imagecreatefromgif srcFile break case IMAGETYPE_JPEG image imagecreatefromjpeg..
imagecreatefrompng() Makes a black background instead of transparent? source w size 0 h size 1 switch stype case 'gif' simg imagecreatefromgif source break case 'jpg' simg imagecreatefromjpeg source break..
Can I detect animated gifs using php and gd? is a brief snippet of code in the php manual page of the imagecreatefromgif functions the should be what you need http manual..
Can I swap colors in image using GD library in PHP? will replace the white color with Gray imgname test.gif im imagecreatefromgif imgname index imagecolorclosest im 255 255 255 get White COlor..
PHP Thumbnail Image Resizing with proportions 150 img imagecreatefromjpeg jpgimage or imagecreatefrompng imagecreatefromgif etc. depending on user's uploaded file extension width imagesx..
How to convert all images to JPG format in PHP? 'logo_file' 100 else if path_parts 'extension' gif src imagecreatefromgif .. images DVDs . _POST 'logo_file' tmp imagecreatetruecolor.. or not an image switch img_info 2 case IMAGETYPE_GIF src imagecreatefromgif img break case IMAGETYPE_JPEG src imagecreatefromjpeg img break..
Rounded transparent _smooth_ corners using imagecopyresampled() PHP GD sourceImageFile break case 'image gif' src imagecreatefromgif sourceImageFile break case 'image png' src imagecreatefrompng..
PNG Transparency Resize with SimpleImage.php Class filename elseif this image_type IMAGETYPE_GIF this image imagecreatefromgif filename elseif this image_type IMAGETYPE_PNG this image imagecreatefrompng..
PHP Image Resizing src imagecreatefromwbmp file break case 'image gif' src imagecreatefromgif file break dst imagecreatetruecolor newwidth newheight imagecopyresampled..
Detecting colors for an Image using PHP img imagecreatefrompng image break case 'image gif' img imagecreatefromgif image break default return FALSE if img return FALSE for i 0..
Merge two images in php save. destimg imagecreatefromjpeg 'images myimg.jpg' src imagecreatefromgif 'images second.gif' Copy and merge imagecopymerge destimg src.. image image_x imagecreatefromjpeg filename_x image_y imagecreatefromgif filename_y imagecopy image image_x 0 0 0 0 width_x height_x..