

php Programming Glossary: function.curl

php get all the images from url which width and height >=200 more quicker


using curl_multi_init please see http php.net manual en function.curl multi init.php for more information. This way it will load much..

CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in


I get the following error Warning curl_setopt_array function.curl setopt array CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when..

What's wrong with my PHP curl request, please help .. I'm not getting any data back [closed]


to this option with the @ prefix. http php.net manual en function.curl setopt.php It should hold just the payload and not the entire..

Choosing a thumbnail from an external link


to make curl multi request see http ru.php.net manual en function.curl multi select.php and then one by one process recieved images..

php curl: how can i emulate a get request exactly like a web browser?


an option CURLOPT_USERAGENT described at http docs.php.net function.curl setopt . Could there also be a cookie tested by the server That..

Setting Curl's Timeout in PHP


question See documentation http www.php.net manual en function.curl setopt.php CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT The number of seconds to wait..

php curl with CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION error


the php curl_setopt page i.e. http www.php.net manual en function.curl setopt.php#95027 The following is a fixed version of the function..

php curl post json


in the PHP Manual using curl http ca2.php.net manual en function.curl exec.php#98628 What you're doing is a 'RAW' post see this other..

Detect if cURL works?


cURL works This is the warning. Warning curl_setopt_array function.curl setopt array CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when..

CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated


echo reply response here is the error Warning curl_setopt function.curl setopt CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode..

CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated [duplicate]


I'd ignore it but I need the function Warning curl_setopt function.curl setopt CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode..

php proDOM parsing error


will always be TRUE or FALSE http www.php.net manual en function.curl exec.php dom loadHTML ' data' is not correct and not required..

PHP cURL retrieving response headers AND body in a single request?


post in the PHP documentation http www.php.net manual en function.curl exec.php#80442 Code example ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER..