

php Programming Glossary: function_exists

Cannot redeclare function php


times. Enclose your function in a conditional block if function_exists 'parseDate' ... proceed to declare your function share improve..

How to get the content-type of a file in PHP?


PHP or simply bad results function getFileMimeType file if function_exists 'finfo_file' finfo finfo_open FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE type finfo_file..

codeigniter multiple file upload


CI get_instance if CI upload is_image return false if function_exists 'getimagesize' if FALSE D @getimagesize path types array..

“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate]


mysql_select_db speedycms or die mysql_error php if function_exists GetSQLValueString function GetSQLValueString theValue theType.. stripslashes theValue theValue theValue function_exists mysql_real_escape_string mysql_real_escape_string theValue mysql_escape_string..

PHP regex for validating a URL


what I'm trying to achieve function validate_url url if function_exists 'filter_var' return filter_var url FILTER_VALIDATE_URL return..

best way to escape and create a slug [duplicate]


that does it better function toSlug string space if function_exists 'iconv' string @iconv 'UTF 8' 'ASCII TRANSLIT' string string..

PHP: How to send HTTP response code?


compatibility but you never know... For 4.3.0 PHP 5.4.0 if function_exists 'http_response_code' function http_response_code newcode NULL..

Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP


'swf' return 'application x shockwave flash' default if function_exists 'mime_content_type' fileSuffix mime_content_type path return..

What are PHP nested functions for?


nested methods in the global space combined with if function_exists 'somefunc' function somefunc checks. PHP's OOP would obviously..

How to decode this PHP code?


it is some kind of code. Can someone help me please php if function_exists T7FC56270E7A70FA81A5935B72EACBE29 function T7FC56270E7A70FA81A5935B72EACBE29.. # in the argument string to the end of the code. php if function_exists fn function fn arg arg base64_decode arg fn 0 x 0 y 0 z ord..

Error message Strict standards: Non-static method should not be called statically in php [closed]


.' basics.php' ... ... ww.incs basics.php session_start if function_exists '__autoload' function __autoload name require name . '.php'..

How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP?


private function getRandomBytes count bytes '' if function_exists 'openssl_random_pseudo_bytes' strtoupper substr PHP_OS 0 3 'WIN'.. '' if this randomState null this randomState microtime if function_exists 'getmypid' this randomState . getmypid for i 0 i count i 16..

Issues porting PHP/GD wrapper to Imagick


array_splice matrix 4 1 is_int sharp true sharp 16 if function_exists 'ImageConvolution' true ImageConvolution image array_chunk..

PHP Error handling: die() Vs trigger_error() Vs throw Exception


not connect ' . mysql_error throw Exception style if function_exists 'curl_init' throw new Exception 'need the CURL PHP extension...

Good alternative to eregi() in PHP


'.php' You could also make a fake eregi this way if function_exists 'eregi' function eregi find str return stristr str find Update..

CodeIgniter: Create new helper?


'BASEPATH' exit 'No direct script access allowed' if function_exists 'test_method' function test_method var '' return var Save..