

php Programming Glossary: functionally

php/timeout/connection to server reset?


that with a script like this. Instead just set it to 0 it functionally equivalent to turning the execution limit off completely ini_set..

Strategy for developing namespaced and non-namespaced versions of same PHP code


the 5.3 code this is a great idea. If your code is functionally identical in both PHP 5.2 and 5.3 with the exception of using..

What does this symbol mean in PHP <?=


h2 php symbol share improve this question It's functionally the same as php echo myACL getRoleNameFromID _GET 'roleID' ..

Double Not (!!) Operator in PHP


empty arrays you will get the boolean value FALSE . It is functionally equivalent to a cast to boolean . share improve this answer..

Why are PHP function calls *so* expensive?


'without function call ' microtime true start This tests a functionally identical code using a function first strlen and then without..

How to avoid SRP chaos?


you build how do you know if others didn't build the same functionally in other class php oop share improve this question This..

PHP Event-Listener best-practice implementation


these are OO design patterns but you could implement them functionally or procedurally if you wanted to . 1. Observer Pattern You can..

What's the difference between is_null($var) and ($var === null)?


throw a warning if the variable wasn't defined they are functionally the same. I presume would be marginally faster though as it..