php Programming Glossary: functionalities
Porting a website from Symfony 1.4 to 2.0 able to migrate your project one piece at a time and new functionalities may be developed with sf2 as soon as you get the wrapper to..
Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP c b a SplMaxHeap The SplMaxHeap class provides the main functionalities of a heap keeping the maximum on the top. heap new SplMaxHeap.. insert 3 SplMinHeap The SplMinHeap class provides the main functionalities of a heap keeping the minimum on the top. heap new SplMinHeap..
help on building a basic php search engine on this one i have no idea how to make the three functionalities pagination sorting and filtering work together...want I want.. this question i have no idea how to make the three functionalities pagination sorting and filtering work together...want I want..
Getting Started with SAML and PHP It's indeed a complete stack but you can narrow down the functionalities to the bare minimum. From my experience configuration is a lot..
Prevent application from introducing harmful changes on the server side Server Linux OS . I am basically try to imitate functionalities of http http . I am trying to..
A non well formed numeric value encountered installed you might want to checkout the new DateTime functionalities take a look at this link for some quick intro's http
PHP LaTeX to PDF Conversion/Compiling server is a no no. The tool at my disposal is PHP and the functionalities it has built in. Any class or PHP tool that can convert LaTex..
Restrict ajax call origin ajax call origin I have a facebook application and some functionalities require some sripts running via ajax. Is there a way to ensure..