

php Programming Glossary: filesize

Resumable downloads when using PHP to send the file?


file header Content Type ctype header Content Length . filesize file header Content Disposition attachment filename fileName.. having tested anything this could work more or less filesize filesize file offset 0 length filesize if isset _SERVER 'HTTP_RANGE'.. tested anything this could work more or less filesize filesize file offset 0 length filesize if isset _SERVER 'HTTP_RANGE'..

PHP: Force file download and IE, yet again


invalid.' filepath str_replace ' ' ' ' realpath filename filesize filesize filepath filename substr strrchr ' '. filepath ' '.. filepath str_replace ' ' ' ' realpath filename filesize filesize filepath filename substr strrchr ' '. filepath ' ' 1 extension.. Encoding binary' header 'Content Length '.sprintf ' d' filesize header 'Expires 0' check for IE only headers if isset _SERVER..

download multiple files as zip in php


filename filename.zip' header 'Content Length ' . filesize zipfilename readfile zipname The second line forces the browser..

Output an Image in PHP


How to gracefully handle files that exceed PHP's `post_max_size`?


that affect the maxiumum size of a file upload upload_max_filesize and post_max_size . If a file's size exceeds upload_max filesize.. and post_max_size . If a file's size exceeds upload_max filesize PHP returns the file's size as 0. That's fine I can check for..

deleting a file after user download it


'Content type application zip' header 'Content Length ' . filesize file header Content Disposition attachment filename file.zip..

How to make PDF file downloadable in HTML link?


Content Description File Transfer header Content Length . filesize file flush this doesn't really matter. fp fopen file r while..

How to Automatically Start a Download in PHP?


Type application force download header Content Length . filesize File header Connection close @grom Interesting about the 'application..

php send email with attachment


include path and filename filename basename file file_size filesize file content chunk_split base64_encode file_get_contents file..

Show a PDF files in users browser via PHP/Perl


Transfer Encoding binary' header 'Content Length ' . filesize file @readfile file edit All my problems solved. Here's the.. Transfer Encoding binary' header 'Content Length ' . filesize file header 'Accept Ranges bytes' @readfile file Thanks php..

Resize animated gif file without destroying animation


you don't have system access NOTE this may create a larger filesize though a smaller dimensions image due to coalescing essentially..

PHP generate file for download then redirect


'Content Type application csv' header Content length . filesize NewFile header 'Content Disposition attachment filename ' ...

limiting the checking condition while uploading swf files


as key val fileName _FILES 'item_swf' 'name' key fileSize _FILES 'item_swf' 'size' key fileTemp _FILES 'item_swf' 'tmp_name'.. .swf errors fileName Invalid File Extention continue if fileSize 800000 errors fileName File Too large continue list width..

multi image upload wrong quantity on file-upload


'image' 'name' i i fileName _FILES 'image' 'name' i fileSize _FILES 'image' 'size' i fileErr _FILES 'image' 'error' i fileExt.. fileExt in fileName is not accepted check filesize if fileSize maxSize errors2 fileName maxsize of 2MB exceeded Handle.. 'tmp_name' as key val fileName _FILES 'image' 'name' key fileSize _FILES 'image' 'size' key fileTemp _FILES 'image' 'tmp_name'..

PHP Remote file streaming with Resume Support


getRange range start end list start end explode ' ' range fileSize this size if start '' tmp end end fileSize 1 start fileSize.. ' ' range fileSize this size if start '' tmp end end fileSize 1 start fileSize tmp if start 0 start 0 else if end '' end.. this size if start '' tmp end end fileSize 1 start fileSize tmp if start 0 start 0 else if end '' end fileSize 1 end fileSize..

How to force a file to download in PHP


if file_exists filePath fileName basename filePath fileSize filesize filePath Output headers. header Cache Control private.. Content Type application stream header Content Length . fileSize header Content Disposition attachment filename . fileName Output..

HTTP Headers for File Downloads


'jpeg' 'image jpg' 'jpg' 'image jpg' 'php' 'text plain' fileSize filesize filePath fileName rawurldecode fileName fileExt ''.. explode ' ' range range intval range if rangeEnd rangeEnd fileSize 1 else rangeEnd intval rangeEnd newLength rangeEnd range 1..

uploading a file in chunks using html5


'fileToUpload' .files 0 if file var fileSize 0 if file.size 1024 1024 fileSize Math.round file.size 100.. .files 0 if file var fileSize 0 if file.size 1024 1024 fileSize Math.round file.size 100 1024 1024 100 .toString 'MB' else.. file.size 100 1024 1024 100 .toString 'MB' else fileSize Math.round file.size 100 1024 100 .toString 'KB' document.getElementById..