

php Programming Glossary: file_put_contents

php get all the images from url which width and height >=200 more quicker


temp imageContent curl_multi_getcontent curl_array i file_put_contents temp imageContent if maxHeight 0 maxWidth 0 res temp else..

How to properly set up a PDO connection


message if the connection fails err getMessage . br file_put_contents 'PDOErrors.txt' err FILE_APPEND write some details to an error..

PHP file cannot enter some part of code


ClientID . ClientID. TechID . TechID. SiteID . SiteID file_put_contents file2 data2 result1 mysql_query SELECT COUNT FROM Log or die.. ' ORDER BY LogTime DESC LIMIT 1 file5 C wamp www file5.txt file_put_contents file5 query result2 mysql_query query or die 'Error ' . mysql_error.. ClientID. TechID . TechID. SiteID . SiteID. Count . count file_put_contents file3 data3 while row2 mysql_fetch_array result2 file4 C wamp..

How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server


file path to file.png uri substr data strpos data 1 file_put_contents file base64_decode uri echo file This one creates a file yay..

Reference: Why does the PHP (or other server side) code in my Javascript not work?


this code script type text javascript var foo 'bar' php file_put_contents 'foo.txt' ' foo ' var baz php echo 42 alert baz script Why does.. like this script type text javascript var foo 'bar' php file_put_contents 'foo.txt' ' foo ' var baz php echo 42 alert baz script Step.. javascript var foo 'bar' var baz 42 alert baz script The file_put_contents call did not result in anything it just wrote foo into a file...

Need to write at beginning of file with PHP


Reading and Writing Configuration Files


write filename array config config var_export config true file_put_contents filename php return config You could use the class like this..

Download File to server from URL


All you have to do to download a file to your server is file_put_contents Tmpfile.zip file_get_contents http someurl file.zip Only there.. download share improve this question Since PHP 5.1.0 file_put_contents supports writing piece by piece by passing a stream handle as.. by piece by passing a stream handle as the data parameter file_put_contents Tmpfile.zip fopen http someurl file.zip 'r' From the manual..

Use PHP to create, edit and delete crontab jobs?


deleting user's crontab So output shell_exec 'crontab l' file_put_contents ' tmp crontab.txt' output.' NEW_CRON'.PHP_EOL echo exec 'crontab..

Detect file encoding in PHP


files as filename output . file_get_contents filename . n file_put_contents 'combined.txt' output Currently at the start of a UTF8 file..

Saving image from PHP URL using PHP


'http example.com image.php' img ' my folder flower.gif' file_put_contents img file_get_contents url Else use cURL ch curl_init 'http example.com..