

php Programming Glossary: file_get_html

php get all the images from url which width and height >=200 more quicker


url 'http www.huffingtonpost.com ' html file_get_html url if html find 'img' foreach html find 'img' as element size.. url 'http www.huffingtonpost.com' html file_get_html url nodes array start microtime res array if html find 'img'..

jQuery-like interface for PHP?


bar World div Scraping Slashdot Create DOM from URL html file_get_html 'http slashdot.org ' Find all article blocks foreach html find..

Preg Replace / Preg Match for href in html link?


HTML Dom Parser example Create DOM from URL or file html file_get_html 'http www.google.com ' Find all links anchors html find 'a'..

How to bind an arbitrary number of values to a prepared statement in mysqli?


include_once 'simple_html_dom.php' html file_get_html 'http basket planet.com ru ' main html find 'div class mainBlock.. SET NAMES 'utf8' include_once 'simple_html_dom.php' html file_get_html 'http basket planet.com ru ' find main news main html find 'div.. mainBlock ' 0 items array foreach main find 'a' as m h file_get_html 'http www.basket planet.com'. m href.'' article h find 'div..

CodeIgniter: A Class/Library to help get meta tags from a web page?


DOM it works this way include 'simple_html_dom.php' html file_get_html 'http www.codeigniter.com ' echo html find 'title' 0 innertext..

Good error handling with file_get_contents


which has this funciton get html dom form file function file_get_html dom new simple_html_dom args func_get_args dom load call_user_func_array.. args true return dom I use it like so html3 file_get_html urlencode trim link Sometimes a URL may just not be valid and.. a good solution if fopen urlencode trim next_url 'r' html3 file_get_html urlencode trim next_url else do other stuff error_logging return..

Parse Website for URLs


share improve this question Use HTML Dom Parser html file_get_html 'http www.example.com ' Find all links links array foreach html..

file_get_contents returns 403 forbidden


is url http www.example.com viewProperty.html id . id html file_get_html url I have checked the php.ini on the server and allow_url_fopen..

Scrape web page contents


on the main Google page Create DOM from URL or file html file_get_html 'http www.google.com ' Find all images foreach html find 'img'..

How to scrape specific data from scrape with simple html dom parser


data in this link . include 'simple_html_dom.php' html1 file_get_html 'http www.aktive buergerschaft.de buergerstiftungen unsere_leistungen..

Weird error using PHP Simple HTML DOM parser


getSemanticRelevantKeywords keyword results array html file_get_html http www.semager.de api keyword.php q . urlencode keyword ...

Parse html table using file_get_contents to php array


with Simple HTML DOM you just write something like html file_get_html 'http flow935.com playlist flowhis.HTM' foreach html find 'tr'.. as php require 'simple_html_dom.php' table array html file_get_html 'http flow935.com playlist flowhis.HTM' foreach html find 'tr'..

Login to Google with PHP and Curl, Cookie turned off?


on how to solve this Here's my code for reference html file_get_html 'https accounts.google.com ServiceLogin hl en service alerts..