php Programming Glossary: fffd
php remove/identify this symbol ï¿?/a>
How to handle user input of invalid UTF-8 characters? to see a fast method to convert invalid characters to U FFFD php encoding utf 8 share improve this question The accept.. though. Example string 'hello worldï¿ U FFFEhello worldU FFFD echo preg_replace_callback ' p So p Cf p Co p Cs p Cn u' 'Bad_Codepoint'..
Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters by question marks, mbstring.substitute_character seems ignored substitute character for invalid byte sequence is U FFFD . see 3.1.2 Substituting for Ill Formed Subsequences in UTR.. is QUESTION MARK U 003F . REPLACEMENT CHARACTER U FFFD mb_substitute_character 0xFFFD function replace_invalid_byte_sequence.. . REPLACEMENT CHARACTER U FFFD mb_substitute_character 0xFFFD function replace_invalid_byte_sequence str return mb_convert_encoding..