php Programming Glossary: fetchrow
Stop using `global` in PHP result db query 'SELECT ...' config array while row result fetchRow config row 'name' row 'value' return config It's a very simple..
Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul> fetchRecordset query p_right p_left p_diff while row C_DB fetchRow rs diff row rght row lft if diff p_diff result. li . row 'title'..
Running a Zend Framework action from command line db application getBootstrap getResource 'db' row db fetchRow 'SELECT FROM something' If you wish to add configurable arguments..
Magento bulk price changes as product get the current cost of the product cost db fetchRow SELECT value FROM `m_catalog_product_entity_decimal` WHERE entity_id..
Modeling objects with multiple table relationships in Zend Framework get your user id from somewhere users new Users user users fetchRow 'id ' id if user authMethod 0 metadata user findDependentRowset.. findDependentRowset 'UserMetadata' current or user users fetchRow users select where 'gender 'M' order 'email ASC' ... etc...
Database transactions in Zend Framework: Are they isolated? where 'someColumn ' whatever result this _adapter fetchRow select alter data in result and update if necessary db update..