

php Programming Glossary: display

Replace URLs in text with HTML links


You have some user supplied plain text which you want to display with hyperlinked URLs. The http protocol prefix should be optional... URLs as well and perhaps others as well. As always when displaying user supplied text in HTML you want to prevent cross site..

What's the best method for sanitizing user input with PHP?


if you let your users post HTML markup that you plan to display on the site. However you should be wise to avoid this at all..

How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode?


to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode I have a code to display a random quote. One person wrote a function to implement all.. '#randomquotes' return theQuote Loading screen to be displayed during the process optional function ajaxLoadingScreen switchOn.. '' element .children '.ajax loading screen' .first .css 'display' 'block' 'visibility' 'visible' 'filter' 'alpha opacity 100..

How to pass JavaScript variables to PHP?


echo query result mysql_query query table code for display the query result. table Thanks for your advice. php javascript..

PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious? [closed]


up at the top and the page down at the bottom with only display logic inside it. I don't want to see an echo or print hidden..

What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP?


in two ways but in four ways. Single quoted strings will display things almost completely as is. Variables and most escape sequences.. will not be interpreted. The exception is that to display a literal single quote you can escape it with a back slash '.. single quote you can escape it with a back slash ' and to display a back slash you can escape it with another backslash So yes..

PHP Parse HTML code [duplicate]


str get all H1 items DOM getElementsByTagName 'h1' display all H1 text for i 0 i items length i echo items item i nodeValue..

Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP?


However you must use apples since first you want to display the current number of apples and then you want to subtract one..

PHP Does Not Display Error Messages


XAMPP 1.7.4 with PHP 5.3.5 the problem is PHP does not display any error messages. E.g. if I connect to MYSQL with mysql_connect.. required fields. Why is this How can I configure PHP to display errors php error handling share improve this question To.. script level include at the top of your script ini_set 'display_errors' 1 error_reporting ~0 Alternatively if it is not a production..

Create Subdomains on the fly with .htaccess (PHP)


DOCs Then extract and verify the subdomain in PHP and display the appropriate data The long version 1. Create a wildcard DNS..

Parse XML with Namespace using SimpleXML


How can I loop through all of the event event nodes and display for example all of the event SessionKey's This does not work..

How to Truncate a string in PHP to the word closest to a certain number of characters?


or a short sentence or two but for this widget I can't display more than say 200 characters. I could use substr to chop off..

How to get useful error messages in PHP?


this question For syntax errors you need to enable error display in the php.ini. By default these are turned off because you.. for information on the 2 directives error_reporting and display_errors . display_errors is probably the one you want to change... on the 2 directives error_reporting and display_errors . display_errors is probably the one you want to change. If you can't..

Upload Progress Bar in PHP


for a photo album uploader. I would like a progress bar to display while the photos are uploading. I am fairly new to php so I..

How can one check to see if a remote file exists using PHP?


is the following I have a list of websites and I want to display their favicons next to them. However if a site doesn't have.. one I'd like to replace it with another image rather than display a broken image. php file networking testing share improve..

Display Zend_Form_Element_Radio on one line


Zend_Form_Element_Radio on one line The radio buttons in Zend..

How to detect fake users ( crawlers ) and cURL


readable I prefer going step by step like this. ob_start Displays your current sessions echo Your current sessions keys are br.. ' foreach dbh query query as row echo row 'session_id' br Display and handle a way to create new sessions echo str_repeat ' br.. session_destroy header Location . basename __FILE__ die Display if you're banned or not echo str_repeat ' br ' 2 if banned ..

Loading CSV into MySQL table with PHP


also enable PHP error display and logging see PHP Does Not Display Error Messages . When you do that you might see more error messages...

Populate select drop down from a database table


value 6 Cleanup option option value 7 Cultural Center Display option option value 8 Festival Merch option select input type..

Display time/date in specific timezone using date() function


time date in specific timezone using date function I use the..

Display possible combinations of string


possible combinations of string I am trying to take a string..

simple php pagination


disabled rsaquo span span class disabled raquo span ' Display the paging information echo ' div id paging p ' prevlink ' Page.. PDO FETCH_ASSOC iterator new IteratorIterator stmt Display the results foreach iterator as row echo ' p ' row 'name' '..

how to display folders and sub folders from dir in PHP


dir_handle if file . file .. if is_dir path. . file Display a list of sub folders. ListFolder path. . file echo br closing..

Magento: adding duties/taxes to a quote during review


function fetch Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address address Display total only if it is not zero if address getYourAttributeCode..

Display first comment of post outside the comments template (using SQL maybe)


first comment of post outside the comments template using SQL..

PHP Does Not Display Error Messages


Does Not Display Error Messages I installed XAMPP 1.7.4 with PHP 5.3.5 the problem..

How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento?


in Magento How can the following be accomplish in Magento Display a Hello World message using a controller view model approach...

suppressing php errors?… why?


successful if conn something went wrong. handle the error Display a message for the user write a message to `error_log ` whatever's..

Why doesn't file_get_contents work?


errors to actually read them. # Enable Error Reporting and Display error_reporting ~0 ini_set 'display_errors' 1 You can get more.. false script head body php # Enable Error Reporting and Display error_reporting ~0 ini_set 'display_errors' 1 adr 'Sydney NSW'..