

php Programming Glossary: depth

Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul>


and especially interesting in this case for order and depth SELECT node.title COUNT parent.title 1 AS depth FROM t_categories.. order and depth SELECT node.title COUNT parent.title 1 AS depth FROM t_categories AS node CROSS JOIN t_categories AS parent.. to the end in preorder. Most importantly it will add the depth of each node as a positive integer indicating how many levels..

What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP?


said variables I spent some time trying to find an in depth solution and came up with the following code based on a number..

What is a class in PHP?


to add . Also check When to use self vs this for a more in depth explanation of Classes and Objects and how to work with them..

How do I make a simple crawler in PHP?


DOM version inspired by Tatu's php function crawl_page url depth 5 static seen array if isset seen url depth 0 return seen url.. crawl_page url depth 5 static seen array if isset seen url depth 0 return seen url true dom new DOMDocument '1.0' @ dom loadHTMLFile.. href . ' ' . parts 'port' href . path crawl_page href depth 1 echo URL url PHP_EOL CONTENT PHP_EOL dom saveHTML PHP_EOL..

What is a RECURSIVE Function in PHP?


function is a function that calls itself A bit more in depth If the function keeps calling itself how does it know when to..

Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords


standard by Linux Unix or by webservers and hasn't had in depth reviews of its algorithm posted yet. But still the future of..

php / Mysql best tree structure


will contain about 300 nodes inside it. The tree has no depth limitations. So it can have 3 or 15 levels. Each node can have..

Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode vs serialize)


Make a bit honkin test array You may need to adjust this depth to avoid memory limit errors testArray fillArray 0 5 Time json.. json_encode else echo 'Unpossible ' function fillArray depth max static seed if is_null seed seed array 'a' 2 'c' 4 'e'.. is_null seed seed array 'a' 2 'c' 4 'e' 6 'g' 8 'i' 10 if depth max node array foreach seed as key node key fillArray depth..

How to best store user information and user login and password


sufficiently concerned about security and security in depth you might consider storing the user credentials in a completely..

Implementing cross domain communication between sites through CORS using PHP and Javascript


DELETE header Access Control Allow Headers Content Type Depth User Agent X File Size X Requested With If Modified Since X..

Preventing session hijacking


the user agent Can be spoofed but good as a Defense in Depth measure nevertheless. IP Address Can change for legitimate reasons..

Topological Sort with Grouping


root nodes found in graph. endl return vector int size 1 Depth first search updating each node with it's new depth. while node_queue.size..

Multidimensional Arrays Nested to Unlimited Depth


Arrays Nested to Unlimited Depth I have a multidimensional array nested to an unknown unlimited..

mySQL query for selecting children


after modification ... Cat Parent CategoryName Depth Breadcrumb 1 NULL MyStore NULL NULL 2 1 Electronics NULL NULL.. after use of the script I gave Cat Parent CategoryName Depth Breadcrumb 1 NULL MyStore 0 2 1 Electronics 1 1 3 1 Clothing.. categories is C products is P C.Cat Parent CategoryName Depth Breadcrumb ID p.Cat Name 1 NULL MyStore 0 NULL NULL NULL 2 1..

Recursive PHP Regex


the same. Matching regex . R . . to abcd answer r''' Step Depth Regex Subject Comment 1 0 . R . . abcd Dot matches a . Advance..