php Programming Glossary: dependencyinjection
Decoding JSON in Twig Acme DemoBundle Twig Extension use Symfony Component DependencyInjection ContainerInterface use Twig_Extension class VarsExtension extends..
Symfony2 won't load custom authentication provider, loads DaoAuthenticationProvider Firewall WordnikListener.php src WordRot PlayBundle DependencyInjection Security Factory WordnikFactory.php php rest authentication..
Symfony2: help please with backward Uri (REFERRER) during switching locale Expedio SimpleBundle Listener use Symfony Component DependencyInjection ContainerInterface use Symfony Component HttpKernel Event GetResponseEvent.. GetResponseEvent class Kernel @var Symfony Component DependencyInjection ContainerInterface private router public function __construct..
Injecting SecurityContext into a Listener prePersist or preUpdate in Symfony2 to get User in a createdBy or updatedBy Causes Circular Reference Error ORM Event LifecycleEventArgs use Symfony Component DependencyInjection ContainerInterface class MyListener protected container public..
Symfony2 AJAX Login channel 'security' You'd need to modify the DependencyInjection bundle extension to use yml instead of xml like so #src Vendor.. to use yml instead of xml like so #src Vendor BundleName DependencyInjection BundleExtension.php loader new Loader YamlFileLoader container..