php Programming Glossary: depreciated
Cleaning HTML by removing extra/redundant formatting tags .. HTML Tidy might not allow you to do that since its depreciated but you can do this out cleaning code getStyle new css2string..
test the return value of a method that triggers an error with PHPUnit
How to change PHP's eregi to preg_match [duplicate] uses PHP's eregi function which says is now a depreciated function and I should use preg_match instead simply replacing..
Dynamic drop down list using html and php Btw. DO NOT USE THE MYSQL_ FUNCTIONS IN PHP. They are depreciated. Check out http manual en mysqlinfo.library.choosing.php..
I never really understood: what is CGI? using socket programming I'm lost They say that CGI is depreciated. Its no more in use. Is it so What is its latest update Once..
What are the differences between PHP and Java? to PHP 5 dissimilar to PHP 4. I don't think Java has the depreciated PHP reference syntax. All method parameters are passed by value..
Simple HTML Dom: How to remove elements?
Ajax upload plugin throwing jQuery.handleError not found with latest version of jQuery. handleError function is depreciated from library upper then V 1.5. I resolve it by just adding this..
configure wamp to connect ms sql server 2008 function to connect with sql server mssql_connect is depreciated you can get full list of function and their description form..
fb_exchange_token for PHP only working once user removes app it puts people off from signing up to the app and is now depreciated. In the developer road map it talks about fb_exchange_token..