php Programming Glossary: destfile
How to password protect an uploaded pdf in PHP PDF in PHP php function pdfEncrypt origFile password destFile include the FPDI protection http products pdf.. allowed pdf SetProtection array 'password' pdf Output destFile 'F' return destFile password for the pdf file password ''.. array 'password' pdf Output destFile 'F' return destFile password for the pdf file password '' name of..
How do i resize and convert an uploaded image to a PNG using GD width height width_orig height_orig Output to a temp file destFile tempnam imagepng newImage destFile Free memory imagedestroy.. Output to a temp file destFile tempnam imagepng newImage destFile Free memory imagedestroy newImage if is_file destFile f fopen.. destFile Free memory imagedestroy newImage if is_file destFile f fopen destFile 'rb' data fread f fclose f Remove the tempfile..
imageantialias call to undefined function error with GD installed area if tmpDest 'extension' gif tmpDest 'extension' jpg destFile substr_replace destFile 'jpg' 3 dest imagecreatetruecolor w.. gif tmpDest 'extension' jpg destFile substr_replace destFile 'jpg' 3 dest imagecreatetruecolor w h imageantialias dest TRUE..
HTML2PDF in PHP - convert utilities & scripts - examples & demos ID Security Suite function pdfEncrypt origFile password destFile require_once 'libraries fpdf FPDI_Protection.php' pdf new FPDI_Protection.. pdf SetProtection array 'print' '' password pdf Output destFile 'F' return destFile Password for the PDF file I suggest using.. array 'print' '' password pdf Output destFile 'F' return destFile Password for the PDF file I suggest using the email adress of..