php Programming Glossary: demo
Calling PHP functions within HEREDOC strings body index.php php page_title This is a simple demo function getPageContent return ' p Hello World p ' include 'template_file.php'..
Highlight row when the checkbox is true background color of highlighted rows. The corresponding demo you can find here Because in your demo you need just highlight.. The corresponding demo you can find here Because in your demo you need just highlight and not select the rows I didn't used.. not select the rows I didn't used multiselect true in my demo. In case of multiselect true it works exactly in the same way...
PHP Create a Multidimensional Array from an array with relational data [duplicate]
Compile a referenced LESS file into CSS with PHP automatically files in www compilers lessphp for the context of this demo 2 Make a PHP script that we can throw out LESS files at. This..
jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another ' ' . ' .exec null 1 User authentication demo Another example that can't be shown with a jsFiddle example..
User recognition without cookies or local storage foreach features as k v labels k x . n n Here is an online demo Class Used class Profile public name data array score diff base..
How to show Ajax requests in URL? hashchange share improve this question For the demo linked in your question achieving that functionality is actually..
SimpleXML Reading node with a hyphenated name
What RSS parser should I use in PHP? good XML parser but you'll have to have a look at their demo to see how it handles broken feeds share improve this answer..
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? html xmlns http 1999 xhtml head title Comet demo title meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset.. html xmlns http 1999 xhtml head title Comet demo title meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset..
PHP / MySQL build tree menu to have been coming from a SQL SELECT populated for demo. Array 'id' 1 'title' 'Menu 1' 'parent_id' null Array 'id' 2..
PHP 5.4 - 'closure $this support' It indeed means you can refer to the object instance live demo php class A private value 1 public function getClosure return..
PHP SimpleXML Namespace Problem cap parameter So you have to call children again. Code demo feed simplexml_load_file 'http cap us.php..
Get all Work Days in a Week for a given date as container. The above will give something like demo Array 0 DateTime Object date 2011 05 30 00 00 00 timezone_type..
Match a^n b^n c^n (e.g. “aaabbbccc”) using regular expressions (PCRE) free grammar a n b n n 0 e.g. aaabbb using this regex demo ~^ a 1 b ~ My question is How far can you go Is it also possible..
PHP “pretty print” HTML (not Tidy) false before loadHTML disclaimer i stole most of the demo code from tyson clugg php manual comments . lazy me. UPDATE..
PHP Regular expression to match keyword outside HTML tag <a>
Prevent PHP script from being flooded this question You can use memcache to do this .. Simple Demo Script memcache new Memcache memcache connect 'localhost' 11211..
get_headers Inconsistency [closed] is not a reliable way for validating URL See Live Demo UPDATE 1 Got to find out that CURL also has the same issue curl..
Best way to use PHP to encrypt and decrypt passwords? [duplicate] MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 MCRYPT_MODE_CBC MCRYPT_MODE_CBC iv 0 Demo at echo 'Encrypted ' . n var_dump encrypted ey7zu5zBqJB0rGtIn5UB1xG03efyCp..
Can I rely on PHP php.ini precision workaround for floating point issue let's say precision 8 342349.23 341765.07 584.16 voila Demo http r7o086sS How bad is that 1. Can I rely on this..
jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another files HTML 1 DOCTYPE html html head title jQM Complex Demo title meta name viewport content width device width height device.. body html HTML 2 DOCTYPE html html head title jQM Complex Demo title meta name viewport content width device width height device.. index.php DOCTYPE html html head title jQM Complex Demo title meta name viewport content width device width height device..
jQuery Mobile: How to correctly submit form data app. index.html DOCTYPE html html head title jQM Complex Demo title meta name viewport content width device width height device..
Generating XML document in PHP (escape characters)
How to automatically detect user's timezone? 2007 06 08 auto detect a time zone with javascript Demo should show your timezone in select box. http
Generating a random password in php
use strings to access (potentially large) multidimensional arrays like to get one 'one one' or two 'two two' 'more' from Demo vars function str use vars c function v w return w v w v return..
problem with adding root path using php domdocument a href attribute is a fully qualified absolute URI or not Demo isRelative bool parse_url url PHP_URL_SCHEME Resolving a relative..
Nested array. Third level is disappearing
Getting nested set model into a <ul> but hiding “closed” subtrees the currently selected element. The MyRenderTree function Demo Full code Edit The Demo Codepad has problems here is the source.. element. The MyRenderTree function Demo Full code Edit The Demo Codepad has problems here is the source code Gist Getting nested..
How to obtain a nested HTML list from object's array recordset?
PHP XML how to output nice format true That's probably more concise. Output in both cases is Demo xml version 1.0 root error a eee a b sd b c df c error error..
Converting indentation with preg_replace (no callback) into a tab. This can be done with a callback function Demo xml_string doc saveXML function callback m spaces strlen m 0..
Why is $a + ++$a == 2? try this a 0 echo a a PHP_EOL echo a I get this output 2 1 Demo http ncVuJtJu Why is that I expect to get this as..
Symfony2 - How to set, and get, options when using a Form Class? in the first place EDIT More code Form Class php namespace DEMO DemoBundle Form Product use Doctrine ORM EntityRepository use.. add 'is_active' add 'category' 'entity' array 'class' 'DEMO DemoBundle Entity Product ProductCategory' 'query_builder'.. function getDefaultOptions return array 'data_class' 'DEMO DemoBundle Entity Product Product' public function getName..
Javascript countdown timer that stops when window is not in focus ' if window_focus counter counter 1 1000 Demo and old post DEMO Old So post Update Probably because the demo runs in 4 iframes..
PHP: Illegal string-offset meet 4 30am #195 #130 t the #9 caf #195 #169 #10 See Live DEMO Your INPUT class modified class INPUT implements ArrayAccess..
Errors appearing in mysqli code and call_user_func_array() output query echo selectedstudentanswerqry Here is a DEMO DEMO In demo select an assessment from drop down menu and submit... output query echo selectedstudentanswerqry Here is a DEMO DEMO In demo select an assessment from drop down menu and submit...
Get Final URL From Double Shortened URL ( -> -> final) return Location header value url return URL instead DEMO url 'http dd4b3kOz' echo large_url url share improve..
How to delete duplicates in an array? array_filter array_count_values a1 'moreThanOne' DEMO Change the PHP version in the drop down to select the version..
previewing php/jquery form in fancybox, then submit or return to form fancybox success ajax on click ready Of course the DEMO at http playground jquery postPreview_05Jun13.html..
How to show Ajax requests in URL? tab2 Check this for an exact example CLICK HERE FOR EXACT DEMO So here is the link format what I need #calendar 10_2010 tabview..
Simple PHP long polling chat script, too simple? host with all the requests and the loopings. Here is live DEMO you can check with firebug http chat chat.php php..
Timestamps of start and end of month
Extract JSONP Resultset in PHP
checking a password for upper lower numbers and symbols
PHP/MySQL - Format date/time
Flatten multidimensional array concatenating keys [duplicate]