php Programming Glossary: consumersecret
Failed to validate oauth signature and token oauth request_token' consumerKey 'fLxA6J1111111111PnvVOg' consumerSecret 'H5QxDHAOHn1111111111111Ozet1HRTtVAV1FM3oYk' callbackURL 'http.. substr signature 0 strlen signature 3 signing_key consumerSecret . ' ' oauth_signature hmac_sha1 signing_key signature auth_params..
Simple Twitter Oauth authorization asking for credentials every time protected authorizeUrl protected consumerKey protected consumerSecret protected token protected tokenSecret protected signatureMethod.. this signatureMethod case 'HMAC SHA1' key this encode this consumerSecret . ' ' . this encode this tokenSecret retval base64_encode hash_hmac.. return retval public function __construct consumerKey consumerSecret signatureMethod 'HMAC SHA1' this consumerKey consumerKey this..