php Programming Glossary: builds
SVN Website Development and Deployment Solution NAnt Ant to take care of all of my build needs. All of my builds are generally automatically pushed and tagged at the time of..
How to install FFMpeg in WampServer 2.0 (Windows XP) [closed] me step by step instructions. I have found some Windows builds here http projects ffmpeg php files But I don't..
How to sort an array of UTF-8 strings? with PHP 5.3 sources but might be disabled for some builds. E.g. in Debian it is in package php5 intl . Collator compare..
What's the best method for sanitizing user input with PHP? even has a now deprecated feature called magic quotes that builds on this idea. It's nonsense. Forget about filtering Or cleaning..
str_shuffle and randomness A while back I wrote a random string generator that builds a string using the mt_rand th character in a string until the..
Is “SET CHARACTER SET utf8” necessary? the column collation to do sorting and comparison. MySQL builds up the result set encoded in character_set_results this includes..
Mechanisms for tracking DB schema changes [closed] been able to automate some of our tasks this way pushing builds up to a staging server deploying tested code to a production..
Understanding MVC Views in PHP data for the view and as a last step calls the view i.e. builds and output it passing the already previously obtained data to..
Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP sort Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm that builds the final sorted array or list one item at a time. It is much..
What are your templating strategies? at the first stage a controller performs some action and builds up that data array. Next the appropriate template will be included...
Handling PUT/DELETE arguments in PHP parameters this option is part of my library it simply builds up an array of CURLOPT_XX constants and sends them to curl_setopt_array..
How to debug PDO database queries? DB and prepared there The database parses the query and builds an internal representation of it And when you bind variables..
How important is it to unset variables in PHP? This is because before assigning the 'x' string to x PHP builds the new string in memory while holding the previous variable..
How to install imagemagick on windows 7 http outside blog content imagick windows builds 080709 copy dll to PHP extension dir and rename it to php_imagick.dll..
export to epub format in php comments etc. as well the ebook chapter data. The class builds an archive with all the ebook information and serves the ebook..
How might I integrate phpunit with Hudson CI? and log xml is putting a phpunit.xml in the appropriate builds folder for that build. But I can't figure out how to get that.. project show a link to 'API' for each build and link to builds BUILDNUM api index.html . php hudson phpunit share improve..
Pretty-Printing JSON with PHP script that feeds JSON data to another script. My script builds data into a large associative array and then outputs the data..
How to build a JSON array from mysql database the events on the calendar dynamic. Below is the code that builds the array but currently it does not get the information from..
new limit within php: 1000 fields per POST. Does someone know, if the number can be influenced? . It seams that this limit is already installed in certain builds of 5.2. This causes a lot of problems at our online shop. Does..