php Programming Glossary: btw
Using sessions & session variables in a PHP Login Script the login form . Can anyone tell me how to get started BTW this is my website CP Cheats php session login share improve..
Best way to handle dirty state in an ORM model when mapper pull data into what you call Model . BTW if you have a better suggestion for getting values from and..
Find out which class called a method in another class question you could use debug_backtrace a bit like this BTW take a look at the comments on the manual page there are some..
Can I try/catch a warning? . Zend Framework does this at several locations. BTW there's was some discussion lately on the PHP newsgroup about..
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability For instance here are a couple screenshots of KCacheGrind BTW the callgraph presented on the second screenshot is typically..
Disable PHP in directory (including all sub-directories) with .htaccess inside USERS Can this be done and how Thanks in advance. BTW I use WAMP server php apache .htaccess share improve this..
Getting Started with PHP Extension-Development the time to read it yet though the first pages seem OK... BTW the author of that book is also the author of the first four..
How can I use C++ code to interact with PHP? I've bought it some time ago and it's an interesting read BTW the author of that book is also the author of the first four..
What is better in a foreach loop… using the & symbol or reassigning based on key? of a traveling value problem. I did not make this up BTW I've come across code that boils down to this... honestly. Quite..
How to mimic StackOverflow Auto-Link Behavior can I mimic the auto link behavior of StackOverflow which BTW is awesomely cool For instance the following URL http
Understanding Incrementing away immediately since you're not catching it anywhere. BTW even b a 1 is an expression which returns 124. The resulting..
Is my implementation of HTTP Conditional Get answers in PHP is OK? friendly I mean cache friendly on proxies and Web browsers BTW I use PHP 5.1.0 only I don't support versions lower that that..
Why doesn't MySQL support millisecond / microsecond precision? to read write it accordingly into your PHP classes. BTW I don't expect MySQL to support TIMESTAMP with milli microseconds..
WAMP Server not working it gives me a 404 Not Found FF3 just shows a blank page. BTW I've tried Restart All Services and restarting my machine but..
Why is this function returning “undefined”? [duplicate] undefined in the cases where I test the response variable BTW The validation itself for the username works error is displayed..
Are mysql_real_escape_string() and mysql_escape_string() sufficient for app security? receive every credit card number in your system BTW Storing full credit cards is hardly ever recommended Charset..
SFTP from within PHP HTTPS FTP FTPS SCP SFTP TELNET LDAP LDAPS DICT FILE TFTP. BTW. SFTP is not to be confused with FTPS. SFTP is SSH File Transfer..
php $_GET and undefined index loadSyllabi 'POP2' break default echo body break EDIT BTW the first set of code I wrote mimics what yours is meant to..
Replacing mysql_* functions with PDO and prepared statements for the XSS keyword. Hope I shed some light on the matter. BTW for the long inserts you can make some use of the function I..
How can I force users to access my page over HTTPS instead of HTTP? buyCrap.php' But that can't be the right way can it BTW please pay no attention to the URL. I know that if it were actually..
cleaning up db of redundant data table after clean up locid the index should be resetted btw this is a county city using this query SELECT locid country..
How to install FFMpeg in WampServer 2.0 (Windows XP) [closed] apache and run phpinfo you should see the ffmpeg extension btw you have to check php not apache error log if you are looking..
How can I measure the speed of code written in php? probably only Linux and linux like That's the one I prefer btw To get profiling files you have to install and configure Xdebug..
How do i run PHP inside CSS top of that file you have header Content type text css And btw since you seem to have php shorttags already enabled you might..
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability might need to take a look at APC's configuration options btw there are quite a few of those and some can have a great impact.. or nginx this one is becoming more and more popular btw. Use several servers for MySQL several servers for PHP and several.. On the other side spending 3 days for 2 percent... Oh and btw before doing anything put some monitoring stuff in place so..
How do you use PHPUnit to test a function if that function is supposed to kill PHP?
PHP json_encode encoding numbers as strings
PHPDoc for variable-length arrays of arguments or an IDE... But might be worth a try This is btw one reason why I tend to avoid that kind of way of passing parameters..
How do I get csv file to download on IE? Works on firefox some others that I now forget with no luck. This is IE8 btw. Update 2 The connection is over SSL. php csv download internet..
Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table mappedBy track protected albumsFeaturingThisTrack btw any idea how to name this relation public function getTitle..
How to post to Facebookpage as admin via API (Php SDK)?
MVC: how much code should be in a view? the function buffers the string instead of outputting it btw . ¹ For those of you who think this is not an issue I strongly..
How do I linkify urls in a string with php?
Can't execute PHP script using PHP exec like ls l the output is a directory listing as expected. btw in case it matters I did chmod the called script to 755... Update..
How do I implement Direct Identity based OpenID authentication with Zend OpenID none of them seem to work. How can i get this to work here btw how is it implemented at stack overflow I could really use all..
How to avoid my mails sent from PHP mail() being marked as spam?
PHP take all combinations share improve this question OK here's your code and btw thanks for posting such an interesting and challenging problem..
HTML2PDF in PHP - convert utilities & scripts - examples & demos to install wkhtmltopdf. So this was the easy part for me btw you don't have to care for symbolic links or wrappers as many..
Jquery File Upload Hidden IFrame to be able to alert the text returned via the php code. Btw I'm doing it this way because I want it to be able to work on..
How to prevent code injection attacks in PHP? This line can prevent MySQL injection and XSS attact Btw is there any other things I need to pay attention beside XSS..
Secure login: public key encryption in PHP and Javascript of it and just make sure your server supports it. edit Btw SSL TLS cannot work without certificates. The whole point in..
How to check if an array value exists isset something 'say' something 'say' 'bla' do something Btw you are assigning an value with the key say twice hence your..
Moving from NuSOAP to PHP5 SOAP doing wrong and how I can move to the native soap in PHP5. Btw the reson I want this move in the first place is the assumed.. refer to is defined as SOAP 1.1 or similiar Best wishes Btw what are you working on Exchange of delays from the pilot to..
php strtotime “last monday” if today is monday? if today monday return today else return strtotime ... Btw this trick also could work strtotime 'last monday' strtotime..
Reliable browser detection with javascript? code you all know that is more reliable and better to use Btw does anybody know if I need permission from Mozilla to have..
Why does openssl_pkey_new() fail? am I making maybe it's a matter of SSL configuration Btw eventually I want to write the two keys into two files. Update..
Making SOAP-call in PHP and setting SSL version one_way 0 return this callCurl location request action Btw. if it fails at the downloading the WSDL file part then download..
Email Tracking - GMail managing to find whether gmail was used to view an email Btw I appreciate it if we can hold back on whether this is ethical..
Filling Gaps in Dates Returned from Database - pure SQL solution possible? via a pure SQL query or do I have to use some php logic Btw why do I have 0 February 2011 as my first date Hmm I also seem.. N between 0 and datediff start_date end_date GROUP BY N Btw why do I have 0 February 2011 as my first date You're using..
How to implement hash_hmac properly? his e mail address then verify the password hash later Btw do you recommend this hashing method php hash passwords hmac..
Generating WSDL when using PHP's native SOAP class? printWSDL true print with headers That it your all done. Btw I'm using SoapServer and SoapClient in php5 share improve..
What is the proper way to document files, classes and constructors? The @throws its self is fine because it adds information Btw Why is this BOLD and not a @link share improve this answer..
Using PHP curl how does one get the response body for a 400 response but you cannot use that option from PHP. Btw curl behaves correctly by not returning the response body in..
What is the best way to encrypt files in AES-256 with PHP? Take a look at some ready made solutions such as this . Btw the ciphers supported are here . share improve this answer..
PHP compare array 1 2 3 a2 array 1 2 3 if array_are_same a1 a2 code here Btw the array values will not always be in the same order. php..