php Programming Glossary: bsd
php - help improve the efficiency of this youtube style url generator dot opensource dot org licenses bsd license dot php New BSD Licence @version SVN Release Id 344 2009 06..
Reliably Remove Newlines From String above line of code also work correctly under Linux Solaris BSD or other OS php share improve this question ' r' by itself..
Need help with comet, and what to choose one and two . Note the APE server can only be run on Linux BSD or Mac OS X though it would seem that a port to Windows should..
Creating custom “html”-tags for CMS? I've never released it the source is released under a BSD style license. Custom Tags It basically allows you do do exactly..
How can I vendorize bcrypt in a PHP application (and should I)? ruby appears to use either the original C code from OpenBSD or jBCrypt 's java code. py bcrypt is a thin wrapper around.. 's java code. py bcrypt is a thin wrapper around the BSD code. is a direct port of jBCrypt . Now PHP itself..
Better Random Generating PHP generator such as . Another if you're on Linux BSD etc. is to use dev random . If the randomness is mission critical..
cross-platform money_format (Linux and Windows) available on windows and on some Linux distibutions i.e. BSD 4.11 variants . But I want to write cross platform library using..