jquery Programming Glossary: www.domain.com
Add / Change parameter of URL and redirect to the new URL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13063838/add-change-parameter-of-url-and-redirect-to-the-new-url ' view all Yes' Blah Blah div More Info If the URL is http www.domain.com index.php action my_action then the default view all value would.. would be directed to when they click the button is http www.domain.com index.php action my_action view all Yes . If the URL is http.. action my_action view all Yes . If the URL is http www.domain.com index.php action my_action view all Yes then when they click..
JSONP how to retrieve text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2499997/jsonp-how-to-retrieve-text example for retrieving text from another page e.g. http www.domain.com external text.aspx . Could somebody please give an example of.. of text you'll invoke the service like this .getJSON http www.domain.com external text.aspx callback function data '#targetDiv' .text..
404 errors on /a folders in Webmaster Tools http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5416081/404-errors-on-a-folders-in-webmaster-tools errors my number one 404 error is something called www.domain.com a There is no such thing in my site and there is no link to..
JQuery Mobile Device Scaling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6448465/jquery-mobile-device-scaling device width initial scale 1 link rel stylesheet href http www.domain.com css jquery.mobile 1.0b1.min.css link rel stylesheet href http.. jquery.mobile 1.0b1.min.css link rel stylesheet href http www.domain.com css base.css script type text javascript src http code.jquery.com..
To hashbang or not to hashbang? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6756695/to-hashbang-or-not-to-hashbang which already provides SEO friendly URLs. i.e. http www.domain.com about us.aspx http www.domain.com about us our team.aspx But.. friendly URLs. i.e. http www.domain.com about us.aspx http www.domain.com about us our team.aspx But the issue is that I don't have an.. after a hash # . For example Google crawls http www.domain.com about us.aspx but when a user visits the page they're redirected..
onbeforeunload Message Appears Twice (Internet Explorer) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6917074/onbeforeunload-message-appears-twice-internet-explorer a link like this one. div onclick window.location #39 http www.domain.com #39 Text div If the user selects Stay on this page the message..
How do I abort image <img> load requests without using window.stop() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6929662/how-do-i-abort-image-img-load-requests-without-using-window-stop For example div class img wrapper thumbnail a href http www.domain.com path to image Loading... a div Add this Javascript untested..
Callback function for JSONP with JQuery ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7613815/callback-function-for-jsonp-with-jquery-ajax var formData #userForm .serializeArray .ajax url 'http www.domain.com user ' '#Id' .val ' callback ' type POST data formData dataType..
cross domain issue with Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8847893/cross-domain-issue-with-jquery json.property script script type text javascript src http www.domain.com jsonp script If you replace the second script tag with the response..
Add / Change parameter of URL and redirect to the new URL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13063838/add-change-parameter-of-url-and-redirect-to-the-new-url javascript window.location.assign window.location.href ' view all Yes' Blah Blah div More Info If the URL is http www.domain.com index.php action my_action then the default view all value would be Yes so the URL they would be directed to when they click.. then the default view all value would be Yes so the URL they would be directed to when they click the button is http www.domain.com index.php action my_action view all Yes . If the URL is http www.domain.com index.php action my_action view all Yes then.. to when they click the button is http www.domain.com index.php action my_action view all Yes . If the URL is http www.domain.com index.php action my_action view all Yes then when they click the button it would change to http www.domain.com index.php..
JSONP how to retrieve text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2499997/jsonp-how-to-retrieve-text on various usage for JSONP but I have yet to find a simple example for retrieving text from another page e.g. http www.domain.com external text.aspx . Could somebody please give an example of a jQuery JSONP setup for retrieving text into a div I would.. Thus if you want to make a service that returns a nice block of text you'll invoke the service like this .getJSON http www.domain.com external text.aspx callback function data '#targetDiv' .text data.text The jQuery code will prepare everything such that..
404 errors on /a folders in Webmaster Tools http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5416081/404-errors-on-a-folders-in-webmaster-tools in Webmaster Tools In Google Webmaster Tools under crawling errors my number one 404 error is something called www.domain.com a There is no such thing in my site and there is no link to it. What is wrong what does it mean In the site log there is..
JQuery Mobile Device Scaling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6448465/jquery-mobile-device-scaling title Page Title title meta name viewport content width device width initial scale 1 link rel stylesheet href http www.domain.com css jquery.mobile 1.0b1.min.css link rel stylesheet href http www.domain.com css base.css script type text javascript src.. scale 1 link rel stylesheet href http www.domain.com css jquery.mobile 1.0b1.min.css link rel stylesheet href http www.domain.com css base.css script type text javascript src http code.jquery.com jquery 1.6.1.min.js script script type text javascript..
To hashbang or not to hashbang? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6756695/to-hashbang-or-not-to-hashbang . The problem I want to develop this website using Umbraco which already provides SEO friendly URLs. i.e. http www.domain.com about us.aspx http www.domain.com about us our team.aspx But the issue is that I don't have an easy way of implemeting _escaped_fragment_.. this website using Umbraco which already provides SEO friendly URLs. i.e. http www.domain.com about us.aspx http www.domain.com about us our team.aspx But the issue is that I don't have an easy way of implemeting _escaped_fragment_ without hacking.. pages back to the homepage but append the window.location.pathname after a hash # . For example Google crawls http www.domain.com about us.aspx but when a user visits the page they're redirected to http www.domain.com # about us.aspx On the homepage..
onbeforeunload Message Appears Twice (Internet Explorer) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6917074/onbeforeunload-message-appears-twice-internet-explorer using Internet Explorer and attempts to navigate away using a link like this one. div onclick window.location #39 http www.domain.com #39 Text div If the user selects Stay on this page the message box appears twice. And then if they select Stay on this page..
How do I abort image <img> load requests without using window.stop() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6929662/how-do-i-abort-image-img-load-requests-without-using-window-stop image size use CSS to style . Inside of each DIV add an link. For example div class img wrapper thumbnail a href http www.domain.com path to image Loading... a div Add this Javascript untested the idea is self describing function var imgStack var loadTimeout..
Callback function for JSONP with JQuery ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7613815/callback-function-for-jsonp-with-jquery-ajax I do on mine document .ready function if '#userForm' .valid var formData #userForm .serializeArray .ajax url 'http www.domain.com user ' '#Id' .val ' callback ' type POST data formData dataType jsonp jsonpCallback localJsonpCallback function localJsonpCallback..
cross domain issue with Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8847893/cross-domain-issue-with-jquery type text javascript var functionname function json alert json.property script script type text javascript src http www.domain.com jsonp script If you replace the second script tag with the response content it'll all make sense script type text javascript..