

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:10:28

jquery Programming Glossary: ws

How do I validate a form without submitting and go to other page with jquery mobile and Jquery validation?


onBlur storeData this.name this.value option value WS WS Surface Water option option value WSQ WSQ Surface Water.. onBlur storeData this.name this.value option value WS WS Surface Water option option value WSQ WSQ Surface Water QC.. option value WS WS Surface Water option option value WSQ WSQ Surface Water QC option select div div class 'bottomAdditionalFields'..

Calling simple web service (.asmx file) from AJAX and JQuery using JSON - parse error


parsing failed and why I should mention that calling the WS method directly does work. Thanks a lot .net jquery ajax web..

How to use jQuery with in xhtml?


error i am getting is INFO Added Library from jar file D WS .metadata .plugins org.eclipse.wst.server.core tmp0 wtpwebapps..

JqGrid addJSONData + ASP.NET 2.0 WS


addJSONData ASP.NET 2.0 WS I am a bit lost. I've tried to implement a solution based on.. as datatype. I've setted all by the book I guess I get WS invoked and get JSON back I got succes on clientside in ajax.. on same pages works without a problem jsonstring ... My WS method looks like WebMethod ScriptMethod ResponseFormat ResponseFormat.Json..

$(xml).find('someElement') : pulling values with jquery from xml with Namespaces


IE or FireFox. Does someone know the appropriate cross browser code s Envelope xmlns s http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope.. 2008 04 netduplex netdx Address http docs.oasis open.org ws rx wsmc 200702 anonymous id 4ed8a7ee b124 e03e abf0 a294e99cff73.. 04 netduplex netdx Address http docs.oasis open.org ws rx wsmc 200702 anonymous id 4ed8a7ee b124 e03e abf0 a294e99cff73 netdx..

Convert Record to Serialized Form Data for sending via HTTP


integer Must be typed dimensions TTestRec record s string ws WideString st ShortString ansiCh AnsiChar ansiS AnsiString wChar.. Default TTestRec sList TStringList.Create try tr.s 'A' tr.ws 'WS' tr.st ' 100 ' tr.ansiCh '@' tr.ansiS '@ ' tr.wChar ' '..

Need Help With Getting Cross Domain XML With JavaScript


the code I'm using Code queryString http musicbrainz.org ws 1 artist type xml name qry limit 10 .ajax url queryString dataType.. xml name qry limit 10 .ajax url queryString dataType .browser.msie text xml success function data alert success var xml.. A URL that looks like proxy url http 3A musicbrainz.org ws 1 artist 3Ftype 3Dxml 26name 3Dexample 26limit 3D10 If PHP is..

Passing complex objects into a WCF Rest Service


side DataContract Namespace urn brandon.michael.hunter ws 2010 01 Name Resolution public class Resolution DataMember.. all the params are in the query string. the dataFilter allows for correct deserialization of DateTime objects the msg param..

Digest Authentication w/ Jquery, is it possible?


Here is a simple tokenization that you can start with var ws ' r n t ' token ' x21 x23 x27 x2A x2B x2D x2E x30 x39 x3F x41.. x7C x7E ' quotedString ' x00 x0B x0D x21 x23 x5B x5D x7F ' ws ' x00 x7F ' tokenizer RegExp token ' ' quotedString ' ' token..

How do I validate a form without submitting and go to other page with jquery mobile and Jquery validation?


label select name sampleMediumDropdown id sampleMediumDropdown onBlur storeData this.name this.value option value WS WS Surface Water option option value WSQ WSQ Surface Water QC option select div div class 'bottomAdditionalFields' .. label select name sampleMediumDropdown id sampleMediumDropdown onBlur storeData this.name this.value option value WS WS Surface Water option option value WSQ WSQ Surface Water QC option select div div class 'bottomAdditionalFields' label.. id sampleMediumDropdown onBlur storeData this.name this.value option value WS WS Surface Water option option value WSQ WSQ Surface Water QC option select div div class 'bottomAdditionalFields' label for sampleMediumDropdownBottom Select..

Calling simple web service (.asmx file) from AJAX and JQuery using JSON - parse error


Occured object XMLHttpRequest parseerror undefined. What parsing failed and why I should mention that calling the WS method directly does work. Thanks a lot .net jquery ajax web services json share improve this question Your code looks..

How to use jQuery with in xhtml?


changeYear true timing onload rich panel h form body html error i am getting is INFO Added Library from jar file D WS .metadata .plugins org.eclipse.wst.server.core tmp0 wtpwebapps RichTest WEB INF lib richfaces ui 3.3.3.Final.jar META INF..

JqGrid addJSONData + ASP.NET 2.0 WS


addJSONData ASP.NET 2.0 WS I am a bit lost. I've tried to implement a solution based on JqGrid and tried to use function as datatype. I've setted.. implement a solution based on JqGrid and tried to use function as datatype. I've setted all by the book I guess I get WS invoked and get JSON back I got succes on clientside in ajax call and I bind jqGrid using addJSONData but grid remains empty... empty. I do not have any clue now... other local samples on same pages works without a problem jsonstring ... My WS method looks like WebMethod ScriptMethod ResponseFormat ResponseFormat.Json public string GetGridData Load a list InitSessionVariables..

$(xml).find('someElement') : pulling values with jquery from xml with Namespaces


with Namespaces The following code works in Chrome but not IE or FireFox. Does someone know the appropriate cross browser code s Envelope xmlns s http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope xmlns a http www.w3.org 2005 08 addressing s Header a Action.. a Action netdx Duplex xmlns netdx http schemas.microsoft.com 2008 04 netduplex netdx Address http docs.oasis open.org ws rx wsmc 200702 anonymous id 4ed8a7ee b124 e03e abf0 a294e99cff73 netdx Address netdx SessionId 177b4f47 5664 d96c 7ffa 0a8d879b67dd.. netdx Duplex xmlns netdx http schemas.microsoft.com 2008 04 netduplex netdx Address http docs.oasis open.org ws rx wsmc 200702 anonymous id 4ed8a7ee b124 e03e abf0 a294e99cff73 netdx Address netdx SessionId 177b4f47 5664 d96c 7ffa 0a8d879b67dd..

Convert Record to Serialized Form Data for sending via HTTP


end TDim1 1 .. 3 TDim2 2 .. 5 TMyArr array TDim1 TDim2 of integer Must be typed dimensions TTestRec record s string ws WideString st ShortString ansiCh AnsiChar ansiS AnsiString wChar Char B boolean i integer t TTime d TDate dt TDateTime fd.. 0 .code 52 state.errors 0 .message 'ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE' tr Default TTestRec sList TStringList.Create try tr.s 'A' tr.ws 'WS' tr.st ' 100 ' tr.ansiCh '@' tr.ansiS '@ ' tr.wChar ' ' tr.B true tr.i 100 tr.t Now tr.d Now tr.dt Now tr.fd Pi tr.fS..

Need Help With Getting Cross Domain XML With JavaScript


the data from an API call and process it with jQuery. This is the code I'm using Code queryString http musicbrainz.org ws 1 artist type xml name qry limit 10 .ajax url queryString dataType .browser.msie text xml success function data alert success.. using Code queryString http musicbrainz.org ws 1 artist type xml name qry limit 10 .ajax url queryString dataType .browser.msie text xml success function data alert success var xml if typeof data string xml new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLDOM.. your server side to proxy your request to that other server. A URL that looks like proxy url http 3A musicbrainz.org ws 1 artist 3Ftype 3Dxml 26name 3Dexample 26limit 3D10 If PHP is available on your server you can Google to find a generic..

Passing complex objects into a WCF Rest Service


the type and operation is defined like this on the server side DataContract Namespace urn brandon.michael.hunter ws 2010 01 Name Resolution public class Resolution DataMember IsRequired true Name Name public string Name get set DataMember.. for simpler non JSON requests where you're doing WebGet and all the params are in the query string. the dataFilter allows for correct deserialization of DateTime objects the msg param passed to the success callback contains the returned json...

Digest Authentication w/ Jquery, is it possible?


most commonly used algorithm for this authentication scheme. Here is a simple tokenization that you can start with var ws ' r n t ' token ' x21 x23 x27 x2A x2B x2D x2E x30 x39 x3F x41 x5A x5E x7A x7C x7E ' quotedString ' x00 x0B x0D x21 x23 x5B.. ' x21 x23 x27 x2A x2B x2D x2E x30 x39 x3F x41 x5A x5E x7A x7C x7E ' quotedString ' x00 x0B x0D x21 x23 x5B x5D x7F ' ws ' x00 x7F ' tokenizer RegExp token ' ' quotedString ' ' token ' ' 'g' var tokens xhr.getResponseHeader WWW Authentication..