jquery Programming Glossary: www.ibm.com
store value in database on click of a jquery function by fetching the values from a form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11670998/store-value-in-database-on-click-of-a-jquery-function-by-fetching-the-values-fro
Add Parallax effect to Carousel Banner so images and text move at different speeds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14008143/add-parallax-effect-to-carousel-banner-so-images-and-text-move-at-different-spee working but I don't know how to make the text and images move at different speeds as shown in this banner for IBM http www.ibm.com us en Here's my jQuery .fn.zinCarousel function settings var settings .extend .fn.zinCarousel.defaultSettings settings return..
Check if image exists with given url using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3381663/check-if-image-exists-with-given-url-using-jquery do_something would be enough to check for a 404. More Readings http www.jibbering.com 2002 4 httprequest.html http www.ibm.com developerworks web library wa ajaxintro3 Update 2 Your code should be like this this .error function alert 'Image does not..
JQuery AJAX JSF / jsf tags are not identified. Cannot find FacesContext http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6118912/jquery-ajax-jsf-jsf-tags-are-not-identified-cannot-find-facescontext @taglib uri http java.sun.com jsf core prefix f @taglib uri http java.sun.com portlet prefix portlet @taglib uri http www.ibm.com jsf html_extended prefix hx @taglib uri http java.sun.com jsf html prefix h div id view style text align left table class..
How to shrink navigation menu when scrolling down? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6713324/how-to-shrink-navigation-menu-when-scrolling-down to shrink the navigation menu when the user scrolls down. Something similar to what you can see at the IBM site http www.ibm.com us en I couldn't find any jQuery implementation or tutorial around I am sure I must be searching the wrong keywords So if..
onbeforeunload Message Appears Twice (Internet Explorer) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6917074/onbeforeunload-message-appears-twice-internet-explorer www.techtalkz.com internet explorer 116662 onbeforeunload dialog cancel button when window location href bug.html http www.ibm.com developerworks forums thread.jspa messageID 14213927 http www.webmasterkb.com Uwe Forum.aspx jscript 4321 IE7 and onbeforeunload..