jquery Programming Glossary: www.php.net
write jquery function inside a php variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20716069/write-jquery-function-inside-a-php-variable like to use Heredoc syntax variable EOT script document .ready function your stuff script EOT Read the reference http www.php.net manual en language.types.string.php#language.types.string.syntax.heredoc Note in the manual It is very important to note..
Why does php insert backslash while replacing double quotes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4017420/why-does-php-insert-backslash-while-replacing-double-quotes could be safely used in a database query. You can disabled them by changing the setting in your php.ini file see http www.php.net manual en security.magicquotes.disabling.php . You can also use stripslashes to remove them number str_replace array ' '..
jquery progressbar - loads all at once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6913426/jquery-progressbar-loads-all-at-once getProcess.php and gives it control over the session. getProcess.php now sees that the process is complete. See http www.php.net manual en function.session write close.php . Session data is usually stored after your script terminated without the need..
How to get user timezone using jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8090549/how-to-get-user-timezone-using-jquery Olson Database timezone name and handle the daylight savings time issue ex. 5 00 America New_york true . http www.php.net manual en timezones.america.php The above link is just a list of the php supported timezone parameters which as far as I..
Adding a database to jquery mobile site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8246380/adding-a-database-to-jquery-mobile-site
Preload php dynamic images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9217734/preload-php-dynamic-images share improve this question This should be as simple as sending the proper headers with your image From http www.php.net manual en function.header.php#93377 seconds minutes hours days expires 60 60 24 14 header Pragma public header Cache Control..