jquery Programming Glossary: window.xmlhttprequest
Ajax - JSON doesnt get sent in PATCH only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11461414/ajax-json-doesnt-get-sent-in-patch-only 'PATCH' contentType 'application json' xhr function return window.XMLHttpRequest null new window.XMLHttpRequest .addEventListener null new window.ActiveXObject.. json' xhr function return window.XMLHttpRequest null new window.XMLHttpRequest .addEventListener null new window.ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP..
Loading more items from database ~ Infinite Scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11878365/loading-more-items-from-database-infinite-scroll '#entries .ajaxloader' .show Pull in data from database if window.XMLHttpRequest code for IE7 Firefox Chrome Opera Safari use strict xmlhttp..
Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14344289/fancybox-doesnt-work-with-jquery-v1-9-0-f-browser-is-undefined-cannot-read 29 where it says isIE6 .browser.msie .browser.version 7 window.XMLHttpRequest and replace it by EDITED March 19 2013 more accurate filter.. accurate filter isIE6 navigator.userAgent.match msie 6 i window.XMLHttpRequest UPDATE March 19 2013 Also replace .browser.msie by navigator.userAgent.match..
How to include a jsp inside another jsp using javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16162450/how-to-include-a-jsp-inside-another-jsp-using-javascript xmlHttpReq false var self this Mozilla Safari opera etc if window.XMLHttpRequest self.xmlHttpReq new XMLHttpRequest IE else if window.ActiveXObject..
unable to load xml from external file using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19865938/unable-to-load-xml-from-external-file-using-jquery try using pure js like below function loadXMLDoc dname if window.XMLHttpRequest xhttp new XMLHttpRequest else xhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript file catch e try Google Chrome var xmlhttp new window.XMLHttpRequest xmlhttp.open GET file false xmlhttp.send null xmlDoc xmlhttp.responseXML.documentElement..
Drop-down list using ajax and jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20896782/drop-down-list-using-ajax-and-jquery Page title script function createRequestObject var req if window.XMLHttpRequest For Firefox Safari Opera req new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject..
jquery ui autocomplete not working in ie8 (until page refresh) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2823018/jquery-ui-autocomplete-not-working-in-ie8-until-page-refresh at line 4955 char 5 which is the following line return new window.XMLHttpRequest However if I simply reload the page the autocomplete works...
Consuming JSON data without jQuery (sans getJSON) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3238457/consuming-json-data-without-jquery-sans-getjson this question If it's the same domain request then use window.XMLHttpRequest. If it's remote then inject a script element you can see how..
JavaScript not working inside AJAX loaded DIV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4476064/javascript-not-working-inside-ajax-loaded-div document.getElementById target .innerHTML 'Loading ...' if window.XMLHttpRequest req new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject req new..
How to make an ajax call without jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8567114/how-to-make-an-ajax-call-without-jquery type text javascript function loadXMLDoc var xmlhttp if window.XMLHttpRequest code for IE7 Firefox Chrome Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest..
Ajax - JSON doesnt get sent in PATCH only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11461414/ajax-json-doesnt-get-sent-in-patch-only url 'http 8001 api v1 pulse 7 ' data data type 'PATCH' contentType 'application json' xhr function return window.XMLHttpRequest null new window.XMLHttpRequest .addEventListener null new window.ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP .ajaxSettings.xhr ..
Loading more items from database ~ Infinite Scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11878365/loading-more-items-from-database-infinite-scroll .hide function loadData Show Loader for main content '#entries .ajaxloader' .show Pull in data from database if window.XMLHttpRequest code for IE7 Firefox Chrome Opera Safari use strict xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject..
Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14344289/fancybox-doesnt-work-with-jquery-v1-9-0-f-browser-is-undefined-cannot-read not pack version with a text html editor. Find around the line 29 where it says isIE6 .browser.msie .browser.version 7 window.XMLHttpRequest and replace it by EDITED March 19 2013 more accurate filter isIE6 navigator.userAgent.match msie 6 i window.XMLHttpRequest.. and replace it by EDITED March 19 2013 more accurate filter isIE6 navigator.userAgent.match msie 6 i window.XMLHttpRequest UPDATE March 19 2013 Also replace .browser.msie by navigator.userAgent.match msie 6 i around line 615 and or replace all..
How to include a jsp inside another jsp using javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16162450/how-to-include-a-jsp-inside-another-jsp-using-javascript Javascript function xmlhttpPost strURL queryStr var xmlHttpReq false var self this Mozilla Safari opera etc if window.XMLHttpRequest self.xmlHttpReq new XMLHttpRequest IE else if window.ActiveXObject self.xmlHttpReq new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP..
unable to load xml from external file using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19865938/unable-to-load-xml-from-external-file-using-jquery below but still no success. Meanwhile I also gave a try using pure js like below function loadXMLDoc dname if window.XMLHttpRequest xhttp new XMLHttpRequest else xhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xhttp.open GET dname false xhttp.send return xhttp.responseXML..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript null xmlDoc.async false xmlDoc.load file catch e try Google Chrome var xmlhttp new window.XMLHttpRequest xmlhttp.open GET file false xmlhttp.send null xmlDoc xmlhttp.responseXML.documentElement catch e error e.message ..
Drop-down list using ajax and jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20896782/drop-down-list-using-ajax-and-jquery equiv Content Type content text html charset UTF 8 title JSP Page title script function createRequestObject var req if window.XMLHttpRequest For Firefox Safari Opera req new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject For IE 5 req new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP..
jquery ui autocomplete not working in ie8 (until page refresh) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2823018/jquery-ui-autocomplete-not-working-in-ie8-until-page-refresh this error points to my development jquery 1.4.2 file at line 4955 char 5 which is the following line return new window.XMLHttpRequest However if I simply reload the page the autocomplete works. I have added a random bit of data to be called with the autocomplete..
Consuming JSON data without jQuery (sans getJSON) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3238457/consuming-json-data-without-jquery-sans-getjson own. How do I do that javascript jquery json share improve this question If it's the same domain request then use window.XMLHttpRequest. If it's remote then inject a script element you can see how jQuery does it If we're requesting a remote document and trying..
JavaScript not working inside AJAX loaded DIV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4476064/javascript-not-working-inside-ajax-loaded-div here is my js code var OpenedPage function load url target document.getElementById target .innerHTML 'Loading ...' if window.XMLHttpRequest req new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject req new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP if req undefined req.onreadystatechange..
How to make an ajax call without jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8567114/how-to-make-an-ajax-call-without-jquery share improve this question With vanilla JavaScript script type text javascript function loadXMLDoc var xmlhttp if window.XMLHttpRequest code for IE7 Firefox Chrome Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP..