jquery Programming Glossary: wmode
Start local video in fancybox mit JWPlayer, video ID in url http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14317242/start-local-video-in-fancybox-mit-jwplayer-video-id-in-url jwplayer.swf file this.href autostart true amp wmode opaque' type 'application x shockwave flash' width ' width '..
jwplayer in fancybox not playing on ipad/iphone http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14846926/jwplayer-in-fancybox-not-playing-on-ipad-iphone jwplayer player.swf file this.href autostart true amp wmode opaque' type 'application x shockwave flash' width ' width '..
Youtube Video not working within fancybox on ipad when using jquery.fancybox-media.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16587772/youtube-video-not-working-within-fancybox-on-ipad-when-using-jquery-fancybox-med class fancybox href http www.youtube.com embed 3l8MwU0IjMI wmode opaque autoplay 1 show youtube in fancybox a ... with this script..
Change flash src with jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2830944/change-flash-src-with-jquery value menu1.swf param name quality value high param name wmode value transparent param name bgcolor value #ffffff embed src.. bgcolor value #ffffff embed src menu1.swf quality high wmode transparent bgcolor #ffffff width 825 height 69 name menu1 align..
Dynamically change embedded video src in IE/Chrome (works in Firefox) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2985205/dynamically-change-embedded-video-src-in-ie-chrome-works-in-firefox the HTML object id viewer width 575 height 344 param name wmode value transparent param name movie value http www.youtube.com.. shockwave flash allowfullscreen true width 575 height 344 wmode transparent embed object And here's my javascript code. A link.. .html ' object id viewer width 575 height 344 param name wmode value transparent ' ' param name movie value ' videoAddress..
Use JQuery SWF plugin in JSP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3798171/use-jquery-swf-plugin-in-jsp swf 'flash open flash chart.swf' width 350 height 260 wmode 'transparent' play true flashvars get data getChart1Data function.. swf 'flash open flash chart.swf' width 350 height 260 wmode 'transparent' play true flashvars get data getChart1Data..
start/play embedded (iframe) youtube-video on click of an image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6246939/start-play-embedded-iframe-youtube-video-on-click-of-an-image height 283 src https www.youtube.com embed VIDEO_ID_HERE wmode transparent frameborder 0 allowfullscreen wmode Opaque iframe.. wmode transparent frameborder 0 allowfullscreen wmode Opaque iframe div Autoplay link a class introVid href #video.. www.youtube.com embed ' vcode ' autoplay 1 loop 1 rel 0 wmode transparent frameborder 0 allowfullscreen wmode Opaque iframe..
How to get fullscreen video on jwplayer when using with fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8769553/how-to-get-fullscreen-video-on-jwplayer-when-using-with-fancybox 1 type application x shockwave flash width 352 height 240 wmode opaque allowfullscreen true allowscriptaccess always embed '..
jPlayer and Shoutcast Configuration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8786563/jplayer-and-shoutcast-configuration 8018 .jPlayer play swfPath js supplied m4a oga mp3 wmode window script I do not get any output with my settings. Is..
How do I automatically play a Youtube video (IFrame API) muted? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8869372/how-do-i-automatically-play-a-youtube-video-iframe-api-muted type text html src http www.youtube.com embed JW5meKfy3fY wmode opaque autohide 1 autoplay 1 volume 0 vol 0 mute 1 frameborder.. type text html src http www.youtube.com embed JW5meKfy3fY wmode opaque autohide 1 autoplay 1 enablejsapi 1 frameborder 0 lt.. playerVars 'autoplay' 1 'controls' 1 'autohide' 1 'wmode' 'opaque' videoId 'JW5meKfy3fY' events 'onReady' onPlayerReady..
Start local video in fancybox mit JWPlayer, video ID in url http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14317242/start-local-video-in-fancybox-mit-jwplayer-video-id-in-url 'height' replace temp content this.content embed src 'pathToPlayer jwplayer.swf file this.href autostart true amp wmode opaque' type 'application x shockwave flash' width ' width ' height ' height ' embed ready See DEMO share improve this..
jwplayer in fancybox not playing on ipad/iphone http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14846926/jwplayer-in-fancybox-not-playing-on-ipad-iphone 'height' replace temp content this.content embed src 'scripts jwplayer player.swf file this.href autostart true amp wmode opaque' type 'application x shockwave flash' width ' width ' height ' height ' embed jquery fancybox jwplayer share..
Youtube Video not working within fancybox on ipad when using jquery.fancybox-media.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16587772/youtube-video-not-working-within-fancybox-on-ipad-when-using-jquery-fancybox-med work in iPhone iPad with no issue This hrml for instance a class fancybox href http www.youtube.com embed 3l8MwU0IjMI wmode opaque autoplay 1 show youtube in fancybox a ... with this script jQuery document .ready function .fancybox .fancybox width..
Change flash src with jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2830944/change-flash-src-with-jquery param name allowFullScreen value false param name movie value menu1.swf param name quality value high param name wmode value transparent param name bgcolor value #ffffff embed src menu1.swf quality high wmode transparent bgcolor #ffffff width.. value high param name wmode value transparent param name bgcolor value #ffffff embed src menu1.swf quality high wmode transparent bgcolor #ffffff width 825 height 69 name menu1 align middle allowScriptAccess sameDomain allowFullScreen false..
Dynamically change embedded video src in IE/Chrome (works in Firefox) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2985205/dynamically-change-embedded-video-src-in-ie-chrome-works-in-firefox not working in IE and Chrome strange combination . Here's the HTML object id viewer width 575 height 344 param name wmode value transparent param name movie value http www.youtube.com v Lmn94kn08Lw hl en fs 1 color1 0x006699 color2 0x54abd6 rel.. 1 color1 0x006699 color2 0x54abd6 rel 0 type application x shockwave flash allowfullscreen true width 575 height 344 wmode transparent embed object And here's my javascript code. A link is clicked to change the video #video a .click function .. this .attr href #media active .html #media active .html ' object id viewer width 575 height 344 param name wmode value transparent ' ' param name movie value ' videoAddress ' param name allowFullScreen value true ' ' embed id embeddedPlayer..
Use JQuery SWF plugin in JSP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3798171/use-jquery-swf-plugin-in-jsp body script type text javascript var bar_chart .flash.create swf 'flash open flash chart.swf' width 350 height 260 wmode 'transparent' play true flashvars get data getChart1Data function getChart1Data return JSON.stringify chart1Data function.. script type text javascript var bar_chart .flash.create swf 'flash open flash chart.swf' width 350 height 260 wmode 'transparent' play true flashvars get data getChart1Data function getChart1Data return JSON.stringify chart1Data..
start/play embedded (iframe) youtube-video on click of an image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6246939/start-play-embedded-iframe-youtube-video-on-click-of-an-image THE HTML Placeholder div id videoContainer iframe width 450 height 283 src https www.youtube.com embed VIDEO_ID_HERE wmode transparent frameborder 0 allowfullscreen wmode Opaque iframe div Autoplay link a class introVid href #video Watch the video.. width 450 height 283 src https www.youtube.com embed VIDEO_ID_HERE wmode transparent frameborder 0 allowfullscreen wmode Opaque iframe div Autoplay link a class introVid href #video Watch the video a p THE JQUERY The onClick catcher that calls..
How to get fullscreen video on jwplayer when using with fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8769553/how-to-get-fullscreen-video-on-jwplayer-when-using-with-fancybox jwplayer.swf file ' this.href ' amp autostart true amp fs 1 type application x shockwave flash width 352 height 240 wmode opaque allowfullscreen true allowscriptaccess always embed ' fancybox return false click ready script See example here..
jPlayer and Shoutcast Configuration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8786563/jplayer-and-shoutcast-configuration m4a http 8018 stream 1 oga http 8018 .jPlayer play swfPath js supplied m4a oga mp3 wmode window script I do not get any output with my settings. Is anyone using JPlayer for a shoutcast Stream or can anyone suggest..
How do I automatically play a Youtube video (IFrame API) muted? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8869372/how-do-i-automatically-play-a-youtube-video-iframe-api-muted Youtube video IFrame API muted iframe class youtube player type text html src http www.youtube.com embed JW5meKfy3fY wmode opaque autohide 1 autoplay 1 volume 0 vol 0 mute 1 frameborder 0 lt br gt iframe The video isn't muted I want volume to.. for details. Html iframe class youtube player id player type text html src http www.youtube.com embed JW5meKfy3fY wmode opaque autohide 1 autoplay 1 enablejsapi 1 frameborder 0 lt br gt iframe please note enablejsapi 1 in the url. Javascript.. function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady player new YT.Player 'player' playerVars 'autoplay' 1 'controls' 1 'autohide' 1 'wmode' 'opaque' videoId 'JW5meKfy3fY' events 'onReady' onPlayerReady 4. The API will call this function when the video player..