jquery Programming Glossary: window.open
JQuery - Write to opener window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1034903/jquery-write-to-opener-window 1.3.2.min.js script head body input type button onclick window.open 'dialog.html' '_blank' 'height 200 width 300' value launch div.. type text javascript function updateOpener var testDiv window.opener.jQuery #testDiv if testDiv null alert here testDiv.html Updated..
Add content to a new open window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10472927/add-content-to-a-new-open-window only the code added through write appears. var OpenWindow window.open 'mypage.html' '_blank' 'width 335 height 330 resizable 1' OpenWindow.document.write.. document .ready function var output data var OpenWindow window.open child.html mywin '' OpenWindow.dataFromParent output dataFromParent..
How to convert unordered list into nicely styled <select> dropdown using jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1897129/how-to-convert-unordered-list-into-nicely-styled-select-dropdown-using-jquery var a this .click function if this .attr 'target' '_blank' window.open this.href else window.location.href this.href option document.createElement.. .html this .html .click function if target '_blank' window.open this .val else window.location.href this .val list.remove..
Javascript “window.open” code won't work in Internet Explorer 7 or 8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2189537/javascript-window-open-code-wont-work-in-internet-explorer-7-or-8 &ldquo window.open&rdquo code won't work in Internet Explorer 7 or 8 I am using.. .click function id '#id' .attr 'value' window.open photo.upload.php id id Upload Photo menubar no width 430 height.. IE8 haven't tested IE6 . IE pops up an error on the line window.open . Why The error that IE gives is Invalid Argument and that's..
Print the contents of a DIV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2255291/print-the-contents-of-a-div elem Popup elem .html function Popup data var mywindow window.open '' 'my div' 'height 400 width 600' mywindow.document.write '..
How do I add a JQuery locators to Selenium Remote Control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2814007/how-do-i-add-a-jquery-locators-to-selenium-remote-control this.rootDocument autFrameDocument var domViewer window.open getDocumentBase document 'domviewer domviewer.html' return..
How can I open a link in a new window? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2827637/how-can-i-open-a-link-in-a-new-window jquery share improve this question You can like window.open 'url' 'window name' 'window settings' jQuery 'a#link_id' .click.. name' 'window settings' jQuery 'a#link_id' .click function window.open 'url' 'window name' 'window settings' return false You could..
is it possible to open a popup with javascript and then detect when the user closes it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3291712/is-it-possible-to-open-a-popup-with-javascript-and-then-detect-when-the-user-clo always work in Opera. window.onunload function var win window.opener if win.closed win.someFunctionToCallWhenPopUpCloses Since.. closed in someFunctionToCallWhenPopUpCloses var popUp window.open popup.html thePopUp function someFunctionToCallWhenPopUpCloses.. in the main window. Adjust interval to suit. var win window.open popup.html thePopUp var pollTimer window.setInterval function..
Write Content To New Window with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3841100/write-content-to-new-window-with-jquery I'm trying the following function printClick var w window.open var html #divToPrintID .html how do I write the html to the..
How to take screen shot of a div with JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6887183/how-to-take-screen-shot-of-a-div-with-javascript etc. for the result When the user clicks Capture do this window.open '' document.getElementById 'the_canvas_element_id' .toDataURL..
How to make a link open multiple pages when clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7064998/how-to-make-a-link-open-multiple-pages-when-clicked Here a JS 'a.yourlink' .click function e e.preventDefault window.open 'http yoururl1.com' window.open 'http yoururl2.com' window.open.. e e.preventDefault window.open 'http yoururl1.com' window.open 'http yoururl2.com' window.open also can take additional parameters... 'http yoururl1.com' window.open 'http yoururl2.com' window.open also can take additional parameters. See them here http www.javascript..
jQuery Table to CSV export http://stackoverflow.com/questions/921037/jquery-table-to-csv-export a CSV file. It was function popup data var generator window.open '' 'csv' 'height 400 width 600' generator.document.write ' html..
JQuery - Write to opener window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1034903/jquery-write-to-opener-window opener page html head script type text javascript src jquery 1.3.2.min.js script head body input type button onclick window.open 'dialog.html' '_blank' 'height 200 width 300' value launch div id testDiv div body html When the user clicks the launch.. type button onclick updateOpener value Update Opener script type text javascript function updateOpener var testDiv window.opener.jQuery #testDiv if testDiv null alert here testDiv.html Updated script body html Surprisingly the alert box appears...
Add content to a new open window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10472927/add-content-to-a-new-open-window the page is not loaded yet or it overrides everything and only the code added through write appears. var OpenWindow window.open 'mypage.html' '_blank' 'width 335 height 330 resizable 1' OpenWindow.document.write output output is the code I need to.. this question in parent .html script type text javascript document .ready function var output data var OpenWindow window.open child.html mywin '' OpenWindow.dataFromParent output dataFromParent is a variable in child.html OpenWindow.init script in..
How to convert unordered list into nicely styled <select> dropdown using jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1897129/how-to-convert-unordered-list-into-nicely-styled-select-dropdown-using-jquery .insertBefore this .hide ' li a' this .each function var a this .click function if this .attr 'target' '_blank' window.open this.href else window.location.href this.href option document.createElement 'option' .appendTo select .val this.href .html..
Javascript “window.open” code won't work in Internet Explorer 7 or 8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2189537/javascript-window-open-code-wont-work-in-internet-explorer-7-or-8 &ldquo window.open&rdquo code won't work in Internet Explorer 7 or 8 I am using this chunk of jQuery Javascript code on my site to open a.. jQuery Javascript code on my site to open a popup window '#change_photo_link' .click function id '#id' .attr 'value' window.open photo.upload.php id id Upload Photo menubar no width 430 height 100 toolbar no This code works on Firefox and Chrome. It.. code works on Firefox and Chrome. It does not work on IE7 or IE8 haven't tested IE6 . IE pops up an error on the line window.open . Why The error that IE gives is Invalid Argument and that's all. javascript jquery internet explorer window.open share..
Print the contents of a DIV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2255291/print-the-contents-of-a-div script script type text javascript function PrintElem elem Popup elem .html function Popup data var mywindow window.open '' 'my div' 'height 400 width 600' mywindow.document.write ' html head title my div title ' optional stylesheet mywindow.document.write..
How do I add a JQuery locators to Selenium Remote Control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2814007/how-do-i-add-a-jquery-locators-to-selenium-remote-control var autFrameDocument new SeleniumFrame autFrame .getDocument this.rootDocument autFrameDocument var domViewer window.open getDocumentBase document 'domviewer domviewer.html' return false script Then to enable this for use in Selenium we add..
How can I open a link in a new window? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2827637/how-can-i-open-a-link-in-a-new-window open the url in a new window though how do I do this javascript jquery share improve this question You can like window.open 'url' 'window name' 'window settings' jQuery 'a#link_id' .click function window.open 'url' 'window name' 'window settings'.. this question You can like window.open 'url' 'window name' 'window settings' jQuery 'a#link_id' .click function window.open 'url' 'window name' 'window settings' return false You could also set the target to _blank actually. share improve this..
is it possible to open a popup with javascript and then detect when the user closes it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3291712/is-it-possible-to-open-a-popup-with-javascript-and-then-detect-when-the-user-clo first whether the opener has been closed. Note this won't always work in Opera. window.onunload function var win window.opener if win.closed win.someFunctionToCallWhenPopUpCloses Since the unload event will fire whenever the user navigates away.. window is closed you should check that the pop up has actually closed in someFunctionToCallWhenPopUpCloses var popUp window.open popup.html thePopUp function someFunctionToCallWhenPopUpCloses window.setTimeout function if popUp.closed alert Pop up.. the unload event you're reduced to some kind of polling solution in the main window. Adjust interval to suit. var win window.open popup.html thePopUp var pollTimer window.setInterval function if win.closed false is required for compatibility with Opera..
Write Content To New Window with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3841100/write-content-to-new-window-with-jquery My question is is this possible with JQuery If so how Currently I'm trying the following function printClick var w window.open var html #divToPrintID .html how do I write the html to the new window with JQuery jquery share improve this question..
How to take screen shot of a div with JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6887183/how-to-take-screen-shot-of-a-div-with-javascript '2d' then use the canvas 2D drawing functions to add text etc. for the result When the user clicks Capture do this window.open '' document.getElementById 'the_canvas_element_id' .toDataURL This will open a new tab or window with the 'screenshot' allowing..
How to make a link open multiple pages when clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7064998/how-to-make-a-link-open-multiple-pages-when-clicked improve this question HTML a href # class yourlink Click Here a JS 'a.yourlink' .click function e e.preventDefault window.open 'http yoururl1.com' window.open 'http yoururl2.com' window.open also can take additional parameters. See them here http.. href # class yourlink Click Here a JS 'a.yourlink' .click function e e.preventDefault window.open 'http yoururl1.com' window.open 'http yoururl2.com' window.open also can take additional parameters. See them here http www.javascript coder.com window.. a JS 'a.yourlink' .click function e e.preventDefault window.open 'http yoururl1.com' window.open 'http yoururl2.com' window.open also can take additional parameters. See them here http www.javascript coder.com window popup javascript window open.phtml..
jQuery Table to CSV export http://stackoverflow.com/questions/921037/jquery-table-to-csv-export I've altered the popup so that it tells the browser to download a CSV file. It was function popup data var generator window.open '' 'csv' 'height 400 width 600' generator.document.write ' html head title CSV title ' generator.document.write ' head body..